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HomeLatest Newswill report you for abandonment if you refuse to accommodate migrant minors

will report you for abandonment if you refuse to accommodate migrant minors

The Public Prosecutor’s Office responded strongly to the protocol of the Government of the Canary Islands published yesterday in the Official Gazette: will appear for “child abandonment” to the Executive if it refuses to welcome migrant minors arriving in Cayuco to the islands.

He asked the prosecutors on duty to identify the people from the General Directorate of Child Protection of the Government of the Canary Islands who are taking advantage of the decree published yesterday to not welcome migrant minors, while stressing that this must be correctly identifiedboth your identity and your personal situation.

The document, made public this Friday in response to the protocol published yesterday and already in force, is signed by the chief prosecutor of the Canary Islands, María Farnés Martínez, who “gives instructions” to prosecutors on what to do and how to respond if a state security force or agency notifies that the General Directorate for Child Protection has refused to accommodate a migrant minor even though the minor has been “duly examined” in accordance with the 2014 national protocol.

Therefore, the Prosecutor’s Office will be governed by the protocol approved under the Government of Mariano Rajoy, and warns that if the Police receive a refusal that a government center in the Canary Islands does not accept an unaccompanied minor will post a job to the General Directorate for Child Protection so that “the necessary measures are adopted” so that he can be placed “immediately” in a protection center.

He also requests that the boys and girls be properly cared for, fed and housed “until they are collected by the General Directorate or until the centre where they should be admitted is indicated” or “in accordance with the protocol published today, be handed over to the Autonomous Police of the Canaries”, and that “the stay time is controlled of said minor in judicial functions.

The Attorney General of the Canary Islands orders that, in addition to the identification, the police prepare a detailed report on the case. personal circumstances of this minor, on his state of health and on the circumstances he experienced on the route to the Canaries, with details on the number of days he spent at sea or if there were any deaths on the boat in which he was travelling.

The instruction emphasizes that prosecutors specializing in minors, immigration or human trafficking “must initiate the corresponding prosecutions pre-trial procedure investigation into the possible commission of a crime of child abandonment without prejudice to any other offence which may arise during the investigation.

A “pulse” to the State

The Government of the Canary Islands published yesterday, Thursday 12 September, in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands, a protocol that details point by point the procedure for the care of unaccompanied migrant minors and their access to the reception network, before the “disorder” who assures that it exists in view of the immigration situation in the islands.

Among the measures established by the protocol, it is specified that the Canary Islands will not accept migrant minors who have not been properly identified, who will have been heard in a personal interview to know the details of their personal situation and with prior communication to the Autonomous Government. Community, provided that it has been “verified” that the community has places available for reception.

According to the Clavijo government, migrant minors were delivered directly to NGOs “like crates of oranges” and with “a delivery note” without detailed identification and therefore without respecting international rights regarding the protection of minors.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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