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HomeBreaking NewsPodemos will withdraw support if bulls take to the streets

Podemos will withdraw support if bulls take to the streets

The unity of the Parla government will be broken in the “the next few days”The city council, led by the socialist Ramon Juradowill not cancel the bullfight that is taking place tonight and which was financed by public money. One of its two partners, We can-IUhas been warning for days that celebrating the celebration will mean his departure from the coalition he formed with the PSOE and Más Madrid. In fact, he has already called the media next Monday to talk about his situation.

“If the lockdown occurs, Podemos will leave the government in the coming days”The purple councilor assures this newspaper Carla EscuderoThe bullfighting program for the patron saint festivities of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad includes a children’s bullfight on Friday. At night, around 11:45 p.m., the night running of the bulls will take place and the subsequent release of the cattle into the bullring..

The mayor already explained at the end of July that there was a 15,000 euro contract to finance bulls, no bullfightingand argued that he cannot govern against a “hobby” that “the neighbors flock to” from Parla.

However, Podemos considers that the events They do not respect the government agreement on animal protection. Therefore, by not putting an end to the bulls, they consider their imminent departure as an “expulsion.”

When the controversy broke out, sources from the socialist team denied the extent of the controversy and assured that His commitment was “not to finance bullfights”since the money invested is intended for “popular festivals, not bullfighting”.

“We respect the demonstrations led by Podemos-IU, even if we are surprised that they are taking place now, after the European elections, with the results that we all know for these formations, because they knew for months that a contract was going to be concluded for popular festivals“not bullfighting,” they stressed at the time.

As Madrid Total has learned, all the programming of these days is maintained. That is why tonight will be celebrated the running of the bulls that the purple ones have surrounded with their red calendar.

Currently, the Municipal Executive is composed of 11 PSOE councilors, two from Más Madrid and two others from PodemosThe sum of the 15 councilors allowed Jurado to revalidate the function of mayor after the municipal elections of 2023. The opposition. leads the PP (9 councilors) and Vox (3). Therefore, if Podemos left, the coalition would be left with 13 seats. And Podemos would go into opposition, which would add 14 councilors to the right.

Precisely, Vox explained this Friday that he was the advisor Juan Marcos Manrique WHO “He announced in plenary session that the socialists had signed a contract against the government agreement between the PSOE, Podemos-IU and Más Madrid” for a “total amount of 18,000 euros”.

Faced with this situation, VOX Parla considers that “What happened is another example of mediocrity and the deception of left-wing governments, which base their political actions on purely ideological initiatives, forgetting the real needs of citizens.

For Juan Marcos Manrique, “it is a shame that the bullfighting celebrations, which are part of our tradition and should be celebrated normally, are causing a municipal administration to explode.”




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