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Woman fakes robbery after leaving bar and is caught because it wasn’t open that day

The National Police arrested a woman in Alicante for falsely report a theft with violence, in which she recounts that she was attacked by a young man as she was about to enter her home after having a drink, and that he stole her papers and 300 euros. Investigating agents dismantled her version and discovered that she was involved in other alleged fraud crimes.

The investigations began after receiving a complaint from the victim that she had been assaulted by a man as she was about to enter her home. In his testimony, he said he had been the victim of a violent flight which occurred at dawn in the Alicante neighborhood of Los Angeles.

According to the victim, the day before the alleged robbery, she had withdrawn 300 euros from an ATM and kept it in a small bag. He also said that on the day of the fake events, he was consuming alcoholic beverages in a hotel establishment and late at night he returned home.

According to her version, it was when she was entering her house that, unexpectedly, a young man put his hand in the bag in which she was carrying money and her papers, thus starting a struggle until the young man managed to snatch his belongings. Eventually, the attacker managed to run away.

A few days later, the false victim returned to the police station to provide more information about the case. “She was very nervous and, amidst sobs, she indicated that she did not remember well what had happened,” because she had consumed a large amount of alcohol. However, he stated “without a doubt” that the events had occurred as he had stated in his first complaint.

The bar was not open

The investigators carried out various investigations and discovered that the statements of the alleged victim were false. They managed to discover that on the day of the alleged events, the bar where she said she had been was not open and, in addition, the complainant I hadn’t passed by on the way either. which he said he took home with him.

As officers investigated further, it became apparent that there was more criminal activity involved in the simulated crime. Apparently, they had discharged a bank account on behalf of the perpetrator of the simulation, using the supposed DNI that had been stolen during the violent robbery.

With this new account, several money movements had been made for a total of 19,800 euros. In some of them, the beneficiary appeared to be the person who had reported the false facts. These crimes were already being investigated by another specialized unit of the National Police.

The alleged perpetrator was arrested in the city of Alicante, accusing him for the moment of the crime of simulation of crime. In this way, these first facts were clarified and it was discovered that the case was linked to several scams that were being investigated. The arrested person, a 44-year-old Spanish woman, had no historyThe procedure was processed and forwarded to the Court of Instruction of the Guard of the city of Alicante.

Crime simulation

The National Police reports that a crime simulation is a complaint in which one claims to have been responsible for or the victim of a non-existent criminal act, without accusing a specific person.

These types of crimes are usually committed by people who want to hide the shame having lost an object through negligence. This also occurs when the plaintiff wishes to obtain insurance for the lost or stolen object.

The perpetrators are often people with no criminal record, who have generally not had any run-ins with the law and who are unaware that simulating a crime is considered an offence under the penal code.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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