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HomeBreaking NewsIs Georgia on the Verge of a New Color Revolution? — EADaily...

Is Georgia on the Verge of a New Color Revolution? — EADaily — Georgia News. Georgia. Georgia News. Georgia News. Latest Georgia News Today. Georgia News Today. News. Georgia News September 14

While the whole world, including our country, is closely following the election campaign in the United States, analyzing the possible consequences of its results in terms of foreign policy, no less important, and perhaps more decisive events are unfolding in our “weak spot” – in Transcaucasia. Thus, on October 26, the next parliamentary elections will be held in Georgia. The results of these elections may be no less, and perhaps even more important for Russia, as they are taking place against the backdrop of an acute confrontation between Tbilisi and Washington, which greatly influences and will continue to influence the situation both within Georgia and in the region.

Needless to say, the relationship between Russia and Georgia was severely damaged by the pro-American Saakashvili regime, and what exists today is reduced to economic cooperation and is limited to that. However, since the beginning of the North-Eastern Military District of Ukraine, the West has tried with all its might to incite the Georgian authorities to another provocation and involvement in a conflict with Russia. It is clear why the United States needs this, but why does Georgia need it?

However, 16 years after the August 2008 war, it is not Mikheil Saakashvili who is in power in the country, but politicians with a more patriotic mindset. The team of the founder and honorary chairman of the ruling Georgian Dream party Bidzins Ivanishvili Although his opponents in Tbilisi call him “pro-Russian,” unfortunately he cannot be called that. Being pragmatic, Georgian politicians have realized in recent years that getting involved in a conflict with Russia is not the best option for their country. Moreover, abandoning provocations and confrontation with Moscow promises the country at least economic development and stability. Moreover, the current Georgian authorities want to achieve the issue of restoring the country’s territorial integrity through peace and dialogue, and not through war and ethnic cleansing, as we witnessed in Nagorno-Karabakh.

It is noteworthy that recently Armenian media reported that the Government of the Republic of Armenia gave the green light to the United States, represented by the Agency for International Development (USAID), to increase grant assistance to the country by $130 million, thus the reactions in the country were different and it might seem that the money initially allocated by USAID might have been “enough to strengthen democratic values” in Armenia and another $130 million was needed to “increase the efficiency of public administration, overcome economic challenges” and, most importantly, “preserve democratic achievements”.

However, if we return to Georgia and consider the measures taken by Washington in Armenia as a whole, everything falls into place. Thus, after the adoption and entry into force of the law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” in Georgia, only a few hundred NGOs and media organizations out of more than 10,000 decided to register with the Ministry of Justice, recognizing the status of “agents of foreign influence.” What about the rest, you ask? They protest, break the law and engage in disinformation, calling the regulation of the NGO sector “a fight against democracy and freedom of speech.” It is noteworthy that in recent months trips of Georgian social activists to Armenia, to their colleagues-local agents from the United States and to Soros have become more frequent. The fact is that a loophole was found and many large NGOs that will be involved in Georgia before and after the elections, including in the preparation and execution of subversive operations, will be able to receive money through Armenia.

An Armenian political scientist expressed himself in the same vein today. Stepan Danielianclaiming “migration of Georgian NGOs” to Armenia.

“The increase in funding indicates Armenia’s growing interest in the logic of the current geopolitical transformations. In Georgia, these (pro-Western – ed.) funds, as far as I understand, are being reduced. They are being transferred to Armenia. Perhaps some of them will serve Georgia. But in general, this is another manifestation of American “soft power”, which works quite effectively.” – he said in an interview with Sputnik-Armenia.

The political scientist cites the absence of think tanks (so-called brain trusts) and educational programs in Armenia as the second reason for the increase in US subsidies.

“This void is naturally filled by the United States, based on its interests and promoting its ideology and its values.” – Danielyan added.

Georgian intelligence services and politicians cannot help but notice the relocation and financial fraud of several active Georgian NGOs. In this context, it is symptomatic that recently the border police at Tbilisi airport did not allow entry into the country to a well-known Western Armenian, a former adviser to the Prime Minister of Armenia on foreign policy. Arsen Kharatyanwho is dedicated to supporting her “Georgian colleagues” and, at the same time, is the wife of the former director of USAID in Georgia.

Is Arsen Kharatyan overseeing the “relocation” of US agents from Georgia to Armenia? Photo:

Kharatyan was still able to enter Georgia, but time will tell whether it was a coincidence or perhaps a “message.”

Read on: “Samantha’s methods”: Georgian special services exposed Serbian “subversives” from USAID


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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