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HomeBreaking NewsPashinyan targets Armenian army: Were weapons delivered to former regime?

Pashinyan targets Armenian army: Were weapons delivered to former regime?

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at the government meeting that after the 44-day war, a large number of weapons and ammunition disappeared in the Armenian army. The Prime Minister tasked the Minister of Interior to search for weapons using new methods. However, it is obvious that this statement by Pashinyan is nothing more than throwing ashes in the eyes. Because Pashinyan himself knows very well that these weapons were not lost, but were simply sent to Karabakh in 2020-2023, to be more precise, to the separatists there. The presence of successive landmine explosions in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur in 2021 and the production of such mines in Armenia from 2021 onwards is also a clear example of sending weapons to the separatists.

Teacher Fikret Sadikhov Oku.AzHe said in his statement that weapons, ammunition and armored vehicles are not toys that can be lost, of course, Armenia sent those weapons to the Karabakh separatists: “The separatists also used those weapons against Azerbaijan. This is a reality.”

“We also know that Armenia very skillfully used the Lachin corridor in order to transport weapons to Karabakh. In other words, nothing was lost in the Armenian army. All these statements are just Pashinyan’s nonsense, and if he wants to deceive someone, that’s his business, but we know the truth and we have enough facts,” the analyst said.

Our interviewer added that hundreds of Azerbaijani citizens have already died from mines buried in our territories by Armenians: “Maybe Pashinyan doesn’t know about this? The Armenian leadership has not provided Azerbaijan with precise maps of the mines so that we can accurately determine the location of the buried mines. The war against mines continues to this day, and I am sure that the lies told by Pashinyan are aimed at confusing the local and international community.”

Political commentator Morning Mammadli also Oku.Az– called Pashinyan’s claims groundless: “Because most of these weapons were transported to Karabakh in 2020-2023. I want to remind you that during these years, many of our citizens were injured as a result of mine explosions in Karabakh, and as a result According to investigations, most of these mines were produced in Armenia in 2011. This means that mines produced in Armenia were transported to Karabakh during that period. Moreover, not only mines, but also other types of ammunition were transported to Karabakh in order to strengthen the so-called regime and increase the combat capability of the separatists.

“I would like to add that the transportation of weapons to Karabakh was carried out contrary to the provisions of the Tripartite Declaration signed by the leaders of Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia on November 10, 2020. According to that declaration, only peaceful people are supposed to pass through the Lachin corridor. But Armenia also violated this agreement and sent weapons and ammunition to the Karabakh separatists through that route,” the commentator stressed.

Our interviewer added that it is no coincidence that Pashinyan made such a statement: “Because he also knows well where the mentioned weapons end up. By making such a statement, Pashinyan is trying to attack his opponents in Armenia.”

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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