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number of places, requirements, dates and exams

THE Community of Madrid published the call for oppositions to cover 267 new places for him Community of Madrid Fire Servicefor the position of Specialist Firefighter Driver. With this expansion, this attraction becomes the most important in almost 60 years of history of the entity. Initially, 142 places were announced.

What requirements do I have to meet to become a firefighter in the Community of Madrid?

To be able to participate in this call, you must have Spanish nationality; be in possession of the title of Bachelor’s degree, Technician or equivalent; have the ability to develop the functions required by the positions; and count on him Driving license C+E.

When can I submit my application? How can I do it?

The deadline for submitting applications begins on September 16 and ends October 11, 2024.

Applications can only be submitted electronically and can be made via the website specific to this call or of Electronic headquarters of the Community of Madrid.

The examination fee will be 28.14 euros. However, for candidates who are members of large families, the price will be 14.07 euros.

What will the exams to become a firefighter in the Community of Madrid be like?

The selection process will be governed by opposition and selective course.


The first exercise will consist of responding in writing 180 questions divided into two multiple-choice exams. The first questionnaire will consist of 40 questions and will measure abstract reasoning. Specifically, spatial reasoning and attention measurement. While the second questionnaire will consist of 140 multiple-choice questions on the content of the program.

In both questionnaires, questions answered correctly will be scored as positive; those left blank will have no value and those answered incorrectly will penalize one third of the correct answers.

The second exercise is the one that includes the physical tests:

  • Swim 100 meters
  • Climb with your arms on a smooth rope six meters high
  • 40 kilogram weightlifting
  • 60 meter race
  • 300 meter race
  • 2000 meter race

Candidates are advised to consult the ttimes and scores, since they vary between men and women. To continue the selection process, all tests must be passed, which will be deemed appropriate or not.

The third exercise includes tests that prove the candidates’ ability to work in confined and high space:

  • The confined space test will be carried out in a time of between five and 10 minutes. In it, you must go through a circuit that may have narrow passages, different levels and an exit point different from the entry point. All without light.
  • The working at height test will consist of walking on a flat surface, without a handrail, 20 metres from the ground and the candidate will move along a corridor marked on the ground between 60 cm and 30 cm from the edge of the passage surface and will have to identify alphanumeric characters located at a lower level at different points which will be indicated.

The fourth exercise will consist of medical examinationwith which the physical and mental capacity of the candidates must be accredited.

Selective course

Those who have successfully completed the opposition phase must follow the corresponding training, which will aim to acquire knowledge, both theoretical and practicalwhich guarantee the specific preparation of candidates for the functions they will perform in their positions. the minimum duration will be six months and to succeed, all the subjects or materials that compose it must be approved.




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