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Nursing will require doctors to question their roles

The General Council of Nurses (CGE)as the highest representative body of the nursing profession and the Collegiate nursing organization, announces legal action – a lawsuit in defense of the right to honor – against all representatives of medical institutions who attack, with insults and other public manifestations, claiming that the nursing prescription of medications – approved and protected by Spanish legislation – represents a risk for the patient. The president of the CGE, Florentino Perez Rayaresists the latest attacks and claims that will not tolerate any reduction in the capacities of the 345,000 nurses provide more effective and beneficial health care to the public health system.

Pérez Raya assures that “we will take all legal measures to enforce our rights and our professional development. It seems that there are medical institutions that want to go back, not to the 20th century, but to the 19th, to keep your privileges. Enough of denying common sense and not knowing the reality of clinical practice. “Enough of insulting and denigrating nurses who earn the respect of professionals and patients every day.”

Ministry of Health Guides

The guides that mark the actions of nurses with prescription drugs are approved by the Ministry of Health, within a commission whose Collegiate medical organization —what interests them later—, the Autonomous Communities, the armed forces, the mutual labor societies and the prestigious representatives of the pharmaceutical profession of the different Autonomous Communities. And all this in compliance with the standards. Medicines Act and Royal Decree on prescription of a nurse.

Compared to doctors, Perez Raya He states that “it is sad that these same representatives are not able to take on what the Medical Organization has agreed on. The nursing prescription guides have been adopted by all health stakeholders – doctors, nurses, pharmacists, Public administrations…- and the pacts are realized in professional and democratic coherence. “What some collegiate representatives of doctors and unions are doing in the field is unworthy and inappropriate for serious health establishments.”

Criminal liability of the advisor?

It is also surprising that some representatives of doctors at the regional level, such as Mr. Villarig in Castile and Leóndares, very proudly, to affirm that he has the word of the regional Minister of Health that the prescription guidelines will not be applied in his territory. Does a Minister of Health refuse to apply the legislation of a State, thus risking his criminal liability? That is why the CGE will make a prior request to the Minister of Health of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alejandro Vazquez Ramosto show whether what the author claims is true. Mr. Villarig. Warning of possible criminal actions will be included to clarify the responsibilities that may arise in such a case.

Improving health care

The General Council supports the Ministry of Health and supports the position of the Secretary of State for Health, Javier Padilla, who expressed, once again, that “Nursing prescriptions do not replace doctors. Adapting and making functions compatible with the capacities of increasingly numerous and better trained professionals is not about replacing other professions, it is above all about improving patient care. This progression of skills is unstoppable because it is not something linked to health, but a dynamic that goes beyond it, a stimulating factor for all professional categories and the place where better ways of doing things emerge.

It is also necessary to ask whether the judicialization of the guides that regulate nursing prescription, as well as the alarmist and indecent statements on the hazard For patients, the work of nurses in this area involves generating a cocktail of fear and uncertainty and, in general, launch a campaign to put pressure on judges in order to reverse a situation which, politically, does not seem ready to stop given its undeniable positive impact on the health system.

For Pérez Raya, “we must focus on the rationalization of health care, the added value of the SNS and the legal security of nurses in the activities they carry out on a daily basis, which is really provided by the guidelines for indication, use and authorization.” of dispensing authorized by Healthwith a multidisciplinary group of experts, including doctors, pharmacists and nurses who are ignored when using these guides. “We ask for respect and compliance with current legislation.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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