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HomeLatest NewsTen thousand Barcelona residents visit the Juan Sebastián Elcano during their stay...

Ten thousand Barcelona residents visit the Juan Sebastián Elcano during their stay in the city

The training ship Juan Sebastián Elcano sets sail this Saturday and concludes its stay in the port of Barcelona with a success of visits: ten thousand Barcelonians have passed through the ship Training ship since last Sunday when he arrived in Barcelona to support the Copa America.

Luis Carreras-Presas Do Campo (La Coruña, 1972), who has just completed his first training cruise as commander of the Juan Sebastián de Elcano, will set sail again in January 2025 for a second voyage. His Royal Highness, the Princess Leonor of Bourbonwill be integrated into the workforce of aspirants.

Commander says goodbye to Barcelona with interview at High school circle accompanied by his officers. The relationship of the entity of Barcelona with the Navy is old: since 1869 with the visit of Pascual Cervera Topete until today with the geopolitical talks of Admiral Ignacio Cuartero, Captain Damián Niebla, AJEMA Antonio Piñeiro or the permanent contact with Commander Javier Moreno who is about to conclude his destiny in Barcelona.

“Barcelona is a Mediterranean city, but few of its most prominent citizens have close ties to the sea. If that is the case in Barcelona “Imagine what this means in other Spanish cities without a seaport,” Carreras-Presas Do Campo observed. About to celebrate its centenary in 2027, the Juan Sebastián Elcano “denies certain clichés of maritime life such as the hard work, the dirt, the food shortages or the forced vocations of those who have nothing to lose,” he stressed.

The commander dated back to the 16th century and set a precedent for the training ship, the Pilot School of 1503 at the Casa de Contratación in Seville. Spanish shipyards, he stressed, “have accumulated the knowledge and technology necessary to build new types of ships.” Today, this scientific learning of complex devices or satellite conversations with successful artists and professionals is combined with the daily life of a sailor, such as ship maintenance and guards.

As Conrad writes in “The Mirror of the Sea,” a ship whose sails are driven by the wind – like the Juan Sebastián Elcano – “seems to draw its strength from the very soul of the world.” But the sail is not magic question; This requires learning to perceive the behavior of nature in order to benefit from its energies.

The Juan Sebastián Elcano will exhibit its twenty sails this Saturday and will set sail from Barcelona in its role as roving embassy“We are aware of what our training ship means. We and the midshipmen from the moment they step on deck,” Carreras-Presas Do Campo stressed.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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