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HomeBreaking News34% of Georgians are ready to vote for the "Dream" ruler

34% of Georgians are ready to vote for the “Dream” ruler

In Georgia, Edison Research, commissioned by opposition channel Formula TV, conducted a survey ahead of parliamentary elections in October that revealed what kind of public support political parties enjoy.

34% of the Georgian population trusts the ruling Georgian Dream, and the largest opposition association, Unity, which includes the United National Movement, Agmashenebeli Strategy, and European Georgia, 19.2%.

In third place is “Gakharia – For Georgia” with 10.6%, followed by “Strong Georgia” (“Lelo”, “For the People”, “Freedom Square”, “Citizens”) – 9.8%, “New Unity – Gvaramia”, Melia” – 9.1%, Girchi” – 5.9%, Labor Party – 5.1%, “Alliance of Patriots” / “Alt-info” – 3%, “We” – 2.1%.

The threshold for parties to participate in elections is 5%.

Opposition parties that signed the joint pro-European Presidential Action Charter Salome Zurabishvili In the event of victory in the elections, the total of this survey is 38.1%.

79.6% of respondents said they would vote in the elections.

64% of respondents believe the country is developing in the wrong direction and 36% in the right direction.

Respondents cited “high prices” as the most important problem – 31%. This was followed by unemployment (27%), poverty (24%), low wages (18%), emigration (18%) and “occupation of Georgian territories” (17%).

The survey was conducted by direct interview from August 29 to September 8. Nationwide, 1,000 people were surveyed. The error of the results is 2.5%.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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