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HomeBreaking NewsPSOE and PP make Broncano and Motos symbols of their rivalry and...

PSOE and PP make Broncano and Motos symbols of their rivalry and of the “two Spains”

The special pulse between The anthill by Pablo Motos and the new program by David Broncano, The revoltFor the 10:00 p.m. time slot, it is not so much a battle for ratings as it is about who will win the political story. In one way or another, the first week of competition between Televisión Española (TVE) and Antena 3 has become a war in which you have to take sides and entrench yourself in one of the camps.

The reason for this is mainly the political use that has been made of the talk shows Since last April, Broncano’s signing has been confirmed on public television. Firstly because the PP accused Pedro Sanchez intervene in the 28 million euro contract; and secondly, because it would compete directly The anthillopenly critical of the PSOE and Sumar.

Neither program – and even less the companies that host them – has been able to escape the political agenda from the first moment. To put things in context, the long history of internal crises within the TVE board of directors ended with the signing of Broncano’s contract, the dismissal of the director of content, José Pablo López, and that of the president of the company, Elena Sánchez.

Since that day, The revolt became one of the favorite targets of the PP, which even tried to contest the signature by legal means and to disavow him in the Congress of Deputies, accusing him of “propaganda Sanchist. Therefore, the socialists interpreted that attacking Broncano was, in a certain way, attacking the president of the government, whether or not it was their personal commitment.

Throughout the summer, the parties have taken it upon themselves to transform the ratings battle into a sort of second round of legislative elections or a CEI without the kitchen: as if the conquest of the ratings quota could be transferred to the ballot boxes.

“I see people on the left who celebrate every Broncano audience like a goal in the European Cup,” criticized the PP spokesman at the RTVE commission, Eduardo Carazo, accusing the government of inciting the confrontation of “two Spainsthat of The revolt and that of The anthill“, and to transform public radio and television into “a terminal at the service of the Sanchism […] colonized by controlling desire.

All this happened on Thursday in Congress. That is, after three days of broadcasting during which The revolt had exceeded The anthill Tuesday and Wednesday; The fourth round, which took place that same evening, once again went to Pablo Motos.

In front of the MP was the acting president of public radio and television, Cascajosa Designwho was a member of the PSOE when he was appointed and who tore up his card shortly after hiring Broncano. The reason, as he explained then, was that “it would not be used as a weapon” by the right.

The symbols

Another argument of the PP to oppose the signing of Broncano is the intermediation of Pedro Sanchez create “a anti-anthill” on TVE, statements never confirmed and denied by the comedian. The idea would be to promote a space that would steal the audience from Pablo Motos, which coincides with the internal crisis of the organization.

Shortly after consumption, The Independent published that Sánchez and Broncano had a private lunch in mid-March to close the signing. According to this information, which has not yet been denied by Moncloa, the comedian admitted to being worried about “being immersed in a war between political parties.”

Pablo Motos himself was one of those who contributed most to this theory, which he gave wings to in rallies before the summer. This fact, added to his list of criticisms of left-wing leaders, was enough to make him a symbol of the right.

On the other hand, the main criticism levelled at Motos by the PSOE and Sumar is not so much his alleged animosity towards Pedro Sánchez, but his history of sexist attitudes. These are episodes such as the interview with Virginia Maestro, who accused him of being “sexist and violent”, among others.

In one way or another, the importance of The anthill As a right-wing program, it did not begin with the appearance of David Broncano on TVE, but it has amplified it. Among other things because the left has also become a symbol The revolt against the historical leadership of Pablo Motos.

The data

Broncano premiered on TVE with a 17.1% share and 2,152,000 viewers. The audience increased on Tuesday (17.4%), increased again on Wednesday (19.9%) and lost ground on Thursday (19.2%). The anthillwho had not given up the direction of the strip for more than ten years, reduced his advertising to a minimum – to compete on an equal footing – and achieved two records, on Monday and Thursday, thanks to interviews with Victoria Federica and Lamine Yamal.

The way audience data is disseminated is curious. So much so The revolt as The anthill They have boasted on social media that they are ahead of their respective schedules… even though they start and end at different times. So both could be leading “at the same time.”

Now, in the band of strict coincidence of emission, at the time of writing this information, the rounds are two by two. Monday and Thursday for Pablo Motos, Tuesday and Wednesday for Broncano. What is also curious is that the majority of users who have opted for TVE are new. In other words, they do not move away from each other’s audience.

According to data from Barlovento Comunicación based on figures from Kantar, during the few hours in which they coincide The anthill prevails, on average, with the 19.6% screen quota, compared to 18.8% than the average The revoltBy audience type, Motos leads among women and people over 65, while Broncano leads among everyone else.




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