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The world is counting on Azerbaijan: “We have proven that we are a reliable partner”

“Holding international events in Azerbaijan is not a topic of interest, and our country has been hosting prestigious international events for a long time.”

This Oku.Az-President of the Center for Political and Legal Research (SHAM) in a statement Khayal Bashirov saying.

According to him, it is of particular importance that the directions of these events are different:

“In other words, Azerbaijan successfully hosts events of global importance in the political, economic, humanitarian, sports, military and cultural fields, and we have not witnessed any problems in holding such events. Of course, this is due to our experience in this field. Not only by hosting these events, but at the same time, by our activities in separate international organizations, by leading some of these organizations, we have proven that we have a unique policy and that we live up to expectations.”

“For example, during our non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council in 2011, when we led the Non-Aligned Movement in 2019-2023, the establishment of the Organization of Turkic States and holding of the events of this organization, as well as the forum for intercultural dialogue, the European Games for the first time in history, the Islamic Games and the “Forumla-1″ competitions in our capital strengthened our position in our foreign policy and drew the attention of the whole world that Azerbaijan is a reliable partner in this field,” the commentator noted.

In his words, in the context of all this, the holding of COP29 in Azerbaijan indicates the success of our country in the international world:

“This is a great opportunity to represent Azerbaijan, which has only recently secured its territorial integrity, to the world, and we, in turn, are determined to take advantage of it. I think that a number of states with long-standing statehood have sometimes shown the gaps they have left in holding events of international prestige. But we have only been preparing for this event for a short time, i.e. less than 1 year after COP28 held in the United Arab Emirates, and this is really a very serious step for our state to be ready to host any event organized at the global level.”

“I think that after our victory in the Second Karabakh War and the formation of new realities, the fact that Azerbaijan has the ambition for such prestigious measures and the acceptance of this claim with an absolute majority of votes is one of our most successful steps. The increase in Azerbaijan’s success in this direction after the war is not accidental. There are always many countries that want to reach out to the country. I think that this process will have an even more positive effect on our international image. There are parties that want to defame us and put forward various absurd ideas, but we have once again shown that we are fighting not with words, but with our real activities and the successes we are achieving from these activities, therefore, our victory and successes are in plain sight,” Khayal Bashirov concluded.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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