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HomeTop StoriesThe government blames the PP for the lack of a financing model...

The government blames the PP for the lack of a financing model that has already “expired with Rajoy”

The government criticizes the Popular Party for not having a financing model that allows it to modify the current model, which it describes as “outdated.” This was stated on Saturday by the Secretary General of the PSPV-PSOE and Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diane Morantwho also assured that the Valencian socialists will fight at the next PSOE congress for a new, fairer regional financing model, guaranteeing equality among Spaniards and moving towards a federal country model.

At the closing of the conference organized by the Valencian socialists in L’Alfàs del Pi (Alicante) for the beginning of the political journey, Morant defended that The pact between the PSC and the PSOE in Catalonia is an “opportunity”because “finally” the PP wants to talk about financing, even if it does not know what its model is.

In fact, the minister indicated that the financing model “expired with Rajoy”: “We want a new financing model because in addition to being expired, It is a model of inequality that expired with Mariano Rajoy. “They (the PP) do not have a clear financing model either for the Valencian Community or for Spain.”

Morant described the Valencian socialist model as a country “that looks more like a diverse, plural and plurinational Spain, a federal Spain.”

On the other hand, the Minister of Science criticized the meeting that Feijóo held with his regional presidents to talk about financing, in a “Moncloa de Pin y Pon”, and regretted the “absolute lack of rigor” of Mazón in this matter, in that he “improvises” every day for lack of a model in his party

He argued that even if the model is reformed, The Valencian Community received 30 billion euros more from the government of Pedro Sánchez than under Rajoy.




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