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Every day it receives more than a thousand visitors: a visit to the Dante house museum

The Dante House Museum (Casa di Dante) is located in the centre of Florence, in the old medieval quarter of the city. This place is very popular among lovers of medieval literature and fans of the work of Alighieri. The museum is recognisable by its façade decorated with a bust of Dante. In 2005, major restoration works were carried out in the museum dedicated to the creator of the “Divine Comedy” and father of the Italian language. The funds for the work were allocated by a charitable foundation and donations were collected from local residents. As a result of the fire, most of the oldest furniture and valuable documents in the museum were lost. Unfortunately, no objects belonging to Dante himself have survived.

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A gift for the 600th anniversary

In fact, according to sources, this building has no direct connection with the great Renaissance poet. The museum was built in 1910 on the foundations of Dante’s house. Therefore, visitors to the museum do not think of admiring the original furniture and imagining how Alighieri once sat on this balcony. However, even the most convinced skeptics visit the house museum. Curiously, it was in the neighborhood of this house that Dante first met the muse of his dreams – Beatrice Portinare.

Visitors to the museum write letters and place keys on Dante’s plaque on the wall of the nearby church of Santa Margherita. People ask the divine power of the eminent poet’s creativity for help.

There are only legends left.

In 1321, after Dante’s death, his brother Francesco sold part of the house to the Mardolli family, who rebuilt the building to their liking. Subsequently, this house had new owners, each of whom added a unique element to the appearance and interior decoration of the building. As a result, nothing remains of Dante’s original home but legends. In its place appeared several scattered buildings.

In the 19th century, the capital was moved to Florence, coinciding with the poet’s 600th birthday. Interest in the poet’s unusual personality was revived and a special commission was made to document which house Dante lived in. After these events, the transfer of the capital back to Rome did not mean the cancellation of the previously prepared cultural and historical project. The project was developed further and in 1911 the City of Florence purchased the historic building and the original house was built. From the upper terrace of the house museum you can enjoy a beautiful view of medieval Florence.

Dante was not only a poet

The exhibition at the Dante Alighieri House Museum is located on three floors of the building. The exhibition is designed in such a way that it illuminates not only the life and creativity of the poet, but also the historical and cultural environment in which he exists and receives inspiration.

The museum displays valuable paintings and copies of Botticelli’s “Divine Comedy”, several editions of Dante’s great works, as well as photographs and various documents for those who want to familiarize themselves with Dante’s life and work.

The museum guide reports: “Dante was not just a poet, he actively participated in the public life of Florence from his youth, joining the party of the “white” Guelphs. After the victory of the “black” Guelphs, he was sentenced to be burned in absentia. As a punishment, the poet and politician was executed in 1301. He was expelled from his hometown, where he was never able to return. He lived in Ravenna for the last 6 years of his life.

The abandoned rooms from the time of the poet’s exile

On the first floor of the building, the room dedicated to the Art of Physicians and the Guild of Apothecaries, to which Dante belonged, contains an exhibition of plants, flowers, distillates and minerals used in the preparation of ointments and potions for the sick.

Going up to the second floor, you will find rooms from the period of the poet’s exile, an exhibition of books by the great Florentine historians, original editions and a copy of the “Divine Comedy” included in the “Codex Trivulzio”, printed in 1337. These rooms tell the story of Dante’s exile. Among the interesting exhibits is a copy of the public book of judicial decisions, where you can find the sentence on Alighieri. Among the exhibits is a model of the Battle of Campaldino, in which Dante personally participated.

In the adjoining room visitors can see a bedroom furnished with antique furniture. It was in such a room that Dante himself could live, relax and create ideas for his new works. The museum also presents an exhibition dedicated to the development of the relationship between Dante and his beloved Beatrice.

On the third floor, a film about the “Divine Comedy” is shown with illustrations by Gustav Doré.

On the upper floor of the museum, visitors are presented with copies of Dante’s works, as well as examples of clothing worn by Renaissance nobles.

A museum employee stated that the museum pays great attention to education in order to bring knowledge about Dante’s life and work closer to the general public: “It offers a number of activities aimed at children and teenagers, and implements a program of educational workshops that bring young people closer to the image of Dante in a creative and engaging way: “Divine Test”, “Dante and the Middle Ages”, “The Enigma of the Divine Comedy”, “Astrology and Numerology in the Divine Comedy”, etc. such programs.”

The museum is open every day except Mondays. The entrance fee to the museum is 8 euros.

More than 1,000 people visit the museum every day. The number of visitors is highest during the summer months.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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