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HomePassenger receives unusual punishment after flight delay

Passenger receives unusual punishment after flight delay

In Australia, a passenger whose inappropriate behavior caused a flight delay was ordered to pay a significant amount: more than 11 thousand dollars. The incident occurred on a flight from Perth to Sydney when a 32-year-old man became disruptive on board, forcing the crew to return to the departure airport. During the landing process, the plane had to dump some of its fuel to lighten the weight, which generated additional costs for the airline.

A Perth court has ruled that the man must reimburse the airline for $5,806 in lost fuel. He was also fined $6,055 for disorderly conduct and failing to follow safety instructions on board. The total amount of the fines was $11,861.

Shona Davis, acting superintendent of the Australian Federal Police (AFP), said the incident should serve as a warning to all passengers that disobeying crew instructions and breaching safety rules could prove very costly. “It is much easier to follow the instructions of airline staff than to create unnecessary problems for yourself that could ultimately hurt your pocketbook,” she stressed in her statement.

Although the flight was halted back in September 2023, the test continued for almost a year. The name of the passenger and the airline were not made public, nor were the details of his behaviour that led to such serious consequences. However, the man pleaded guilty to two charges of disorderly conduct on board and failure to comply with safety instructions.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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