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Lambán calls on PSOE activists to defend the “sense of state” against Sanchism

Former President of Aragon and regional leader of the PSOE, senator Javier Lambancalled on all party members to defend the “the sense of state” in the face of the drift of sanchismo and its concessions to the Catalan independence movement. He did so in a letter sent to each of the affiliates of the Socialist Party in Aragonwhich he has headed since 2012 despite attempts to Pedro Sanchez for putting it aside.

Lambán, who has been battling cancer for years, will leave the post of secretary general of the Aragonese PSOE in the coming months. At 67, he has decided not to run for this position, where he remains with the majority support of the Aragonese PSOE. The provincial leaderships of Zaragoza and Teruel are fully aligned with their theses; that of Huesca, not. The people of Huesca, led by the current senator and former president of the provincial council Miguel Gracia, want to take regional power and are Ferraz’s battering ram against the Lambán sector, a demolition strategy in which the former lambantist Pilar Alegriawho, after turning his back on his Aragonese leader, began a meteoric career: from opposition advisor to the Zaragoza City Hall to minister in less than two years.

Alegría’s rudeness was not the first that Lambán had suffered from someone he had personally supported before. He had previously suffered from Susana Sumelzowho was rung. Today, this socialist from Ejea de los Caballeros, the city of Lambán, is responsible for the Secretariat of State for Latin America, an award with which Sánchez rewarded her services to Sanchism.

In the letter to the activists that Lambán has just distributed, the conciliatory tone prevails despite everything. Avoid direct attacks and avoid mentioning names. But it is clear what he means when he speaks of defending the “sense of the State” and when he calls for “defending our Community against decisions that are detrimental to it.”

To carry years criticizing the drift of the PSOE Sanchista with separatismHe roundly criticized the amnesty law, warned that the strategy deployed by Sánchez from Moncloa violates the constitutional principle of equality and stressed that defining oneself as “progressive” and defending the privileges of the independence movement is as incoherent as it is impossible to mix oil and water.

“Crucial moment”

In this letter to the militants, Lambán calls for the “unity” of the party to continue being a government alternative to the PP and to be able to carry out the opposition work that the regional polls entrusted to him in the elections a year ago. , which they raised Jorge Azcon (PP) to the presidency of Aragon after two consecutive terms of Javier Lambán.

“At the end of November the Federal Congress will take place and, a few weeks later, the Regional Congress” of the PSOE, begins by explaining the Aragonese socialist leader in his letter to the militants. Pedro Sánchez wants to take advantage of the first meeting to protect himself at the head of the party; The second will decide who will take the head of the PSOE in Aragon. Is a “crucial moment”Lambán warns in his letter that “the success or failure of the party in the coming years depends on it” and its ability to “compete successfully in the 2027 elections.”

He urges each of the Aragonese affiliates of the PSOE to get involved “actively” in the entire process prior to these congresses, “both in the election of delegates and in the study and possible modifications of the presentations”. And he calls for “making the debate of ideas compatible with the necessary unity with which we must present ourselves before Aragonese society”, so that the position of the regional PSOE “is not weakened and eclipsed by internal conflicts”.

Defends the “great pacts”

But above all, Lambán asks the militants to be loyal to Aragon as a priority. “It is important to convince the citizens that Aragon is our priority and that loyalty to our land and our fellow citizens will always prevail over any other; that we are a party with a vocation for government and with a sense of the State and that we are willing to make great pacts to defend our Community against decisions that are detrimental to it.

This defense of the “great pacts” is not new in Lambán, but it currently takes on an additional value in the face of Sanchism. In fact, the PSOE, still in the lead, is negotiating with the PP – and with the rest of the parties in the regional parliamentary arc – a pact against the “singular financing” that Pedro Sánchez promised to the Catalan independence movement to place Salvador Illa at the head of the government. the head of the Generalitat and remain in Moncloa.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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