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HomeBreaking NewsNGO against national traitors: "Prohibited"

NGO against national traitors: “Prohibited”

For several days now, information has been circulating on Wikipedia about the deletion of information about the martyrs of the Karabakh war and the harsh reactions of the public. This measure caused deep concern in Azerbaijani society and was assessed as a lack of respect for national values. The deletion of data has caused justified discontent among the families of the martyrs and among patriots. Several NGO leaders also spoke out on the issue and assessed these actions as a betrayal of the motherland and a serious lack of respect for the memory of the heroes.

The incident caused deep discontent among NGO heads and social activists. They assessed these actions as attempts to erase the heroic legacy and historical memory of the Azerbaijani people. In particular, these disrespectful acts, which go against national thought, were underlined as the greatest injustice against the cherished memory of our martyrs.

Addressing these points, several NGO presidents also shared their views. received the positions of NGO presidents on the issue.

Ray Karimoglu, a board member of the Public Union “Karabakh Veterans”, said that “Solavirum”, “Grenzsoldat”, “Nemoralis”, “Dr.Wiki54” – the names hidden in these passwords are actually “ours”:

“Aykhan Zayidzade, Jalal Javadov, Nariman Mammadli, Javid Rasulzade. When they fled and hid, their comrades showed heroism in Karabakh, set fire to the enemy’s heads, rose to martyrdom, liberated Shushan, Khojaly, Khankendi. But Aykhan, who breathes the air, drinks the water and eats the bread of this Motherland, Wikipedia administrators like Jalal, Nariman and Javid delete thousands of articles about our martyred children with a thousand excuses. When people like Bahruz Samadov embrace Armenians, their “Solavirum”. ” “Nemoralis” and “Dr.Wiki54” should be on the path of national treason. Now, together with Azerbaijan, information about Azerbaijani martyrs is being erased. These unfortunate people think that by erasing their names they will be able to erase history. The month in which the heroic sagas of the Azerbaijani people are written. The beginning of the Patriotic War, “Operation Vengeance” and the anti-terrorist operation of September 19-20 took place in this month. Let’s get to know the nanajibs and national traitors who erased the articles about our martyrs.”

Sevinj Orujova, Chairwoman of the Zafar Public Union for Support of Martyrs’ Families, noted that the memory of our martyrs will always live as long as Azerbaijan exists:

“No one can erase them from memory! There is no place for these ungrateful people in our society.”

Bahruz Mammadzadeh, chairman of the Public Union “Veterans, Families of Martyrs and Veterans of Special Forces,” said that it is indeed good that those who secretly betray the people are revealed:

“Our martyrs, who left a mark on history with their heroism, knew how to become a thorn in the eyes of traitors.”

Taleh Shahsufarli, chairman of the Pragma public trade union for social development and environmental protection, stressed that for several days now there has been a growing number of information and opinions about the removal of information about the martyrs of the Karabakh war from Wikipedia:

“Frankly, I am very dissatisfied with the level of the Azerbaijani version of Wikipedia. There is a lot of manipulative information that has no scientific basis. At the same time, this platform is a hotbed of prejudices and conspiracies against Azerbaijani identity. Articles are published that violate the principle of neutrality against Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis. It is impossible to justify martyrs. It is said that martyrdom is not enough to be included in the encyclopedia. First of all, they were soldiers who showed special heroism. They were distinguished soldiers in the Karabakh war, and officers were martyred. It is necessary to have an encyclopedic page about them, as well as about the military operations in which they participated. They lost their lives as a result of Armenian attacks. The civilian page is incorrect historical context, public interest, resonance caused by death (for example, children who died during the shelling of Ganja), commemoration (for example, monuments to the Khojaly martyrs), etc. “Therefore, the removal of articles about martyrs is another ideological and informational deviation against Azerbaijan, those who participated in this deviation must be condemned by society and investigated by the state.”

Sevil Allahverdiyeva, director of the Center for Research on Women’s Issues, said that those who do this should be sentenced to life imprisonment:

The director of the Regional Gender Centre, Shargiyya Dadashova, said that this kind of attitude towards our martyrs is unforgivable:

“They are always in our hearts. It is appropriate that these people ignore the value and reality of Azerbaijan.”

Alimammad Nuriyev, President of the Constitution Research Foundation, said the following in his statement:

“Unidentified miserable homeless people!”

The head of the Yeni Hayat public trade union, Naila Ismayilova, said that we are always proud of our patriotic youth and try to support their development:

“But the water and bread of this land should be forbidden to those bastards. You can see in the picture that there are badges of some events on their collars.”

Sabina Karimova, President of the Public Trade Union for Social Protection and Integration of Persons with Disabilities (ASMID), said in her statement:

“What are your goals for committing such a shameless act? You are dishonorable!”

Rauf Rajabov, chairman of the Public Union of Azerbaijan National Development Project, said that they themselves should be inspected:

“Whoever wants to, delete their information from Wikipedia. These actions against our martyrs are unforgivable. Who gave them that right? Mangurts.”

The president of the Public Union for the Support of Socioeconomic and Agricultural Development stated in his statement that “this action and the name of the step taken are nothing more than a betrayal of the Homeland and the nation.”

Zamin Zeynal, chairman of the Public Union for the Development of Modern Internet Resources, stressed that it is a pity that there are young people who harbor a grudge against the enemy factory in this way:

“In fact, such actions are a betrayal of our state and our nation. It is clear from this that we, as a civil society, need to pay more attention to issues related to the information security of our country.”

Ramil Aliyev, Chairman of the Public Union for Support of Development and Reforms, said that in general, very serious measures should be taken in this regard:

“This act against the families of the vulnerable group in September and the lack of respect shown to the spirit of our heroic martyrs must not be forgiven.”

Gulaya Safarova, the chairwoman of the Public Union for Legal Assistance to Families “Family World”, said in her statement that “these creatures, whose dough was kneaded with treachery, will not be able to achieve anything by erasing the names of our martyrs who wrote history with their blood from Wikipedia with the task they received from their Armenian uncles.”

The head of the Regional Centre for Human Rights and Mass Media, Khalid Kazimov, stressed that no one can erase from the memory of our people the names of our heroes who liberated our lands:

“Sooner or later, those who despise this country and its values ​​will receive the punishment they deserve, as will their sponsors.”

The chairman of the public trade union “Support for information and social initiatives” Cesarat Huseynzade noted that the removal of information about our martyrs from international platforms such as Wikipedia is the work of traitors who are trying to overshadow the pages of heroism written in blood in the history of the Azerbaijani people:

“These actions serve only the interests of Armenian circles and should be considered national treason. These actions, which are contrary to national thought, have caused deep concern for all Azerbaijanis. In particular, the disrespect shown to our martyrs is the greatest injustice against their heroic legacy and their memory should be assessed as such.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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