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We are longing for local fish: what will be the situation on the markets in the new season?

In 2023, the population of Azerbaijan consumed an average of eight kilograms of fish and fish products per person, the State Statistics Committee reported on this. A total of 81,442 tons of fish and fish products were consumed in the country last year. In the reporting period, Azerbaijan had stocks of 87,166 thousand tons of fish and fish products, of which 72 percent or 62,722 thousand tons were produced, 24.2 percent or 21,081 thousand tons were imported, and 3.8 percent or 3,363 thousand tons were left over from the previous year.

With the onset of autumn, the demand for fish in Azerbaijan is increasing. But what awaits us at the fish market this season? How will prices for fish products change?

These and other questions “Caspian” The answer can be found in the newspaper article.

Consumption is several times lower than the statistics.

According to Zaur Salmanli, chairman of the public trade union “Association of Producers and Processors of Fish of Azerbaijan”, the figures presented do not fully reflect reality. Because our consumption is lower:

“Eight kilograms of fish per person is a very large figure. But unfortunately it does not fully reflect reality. This means that domestic production is more than 62 thousand tons. But this is impossible in today’s world. Our production was not possible in Soviet times, so consumption in Azerbaijan is several times lower than the stated figures.

National production has decreased.

According to Z. Salmanli, we do not expect a positive trend in the fish market this year:

“There is a small advance in breeding only sturgeon, but this is also due to the rather high prices. Over the past five or six years, there has been a regular decline in the production of other plant-fed fish, such as sardines. There is also a decline in trout production from cold-water fish. We can even say that it has dropped to the minimum level. This is due to the lack of a supervisory and regulatory body, as well as the fact that fish and fishery products are not included in the list of agricultural products.

“We need support from the State”

The President also referred to what we should do for the development of fishing:

“The situation in the fisheries sector is currently not encouraging. It has been decided that from 2025 onwards fisheries will be considered an agricultural sector. But we still have a long way to go. If we want to develop fisheries, we must receive support. Otherwise, we will fall behind neighbouring countries. In order to grow, consumer production must increase, but we will be able to see positive results in this direction after two years at the earliest.”

He noted that there are no major changes in terms of prices:

“Prices for sturgeon, bream and trout remain stable. The reason is the import of fish from neighbouring countries. The massive import of products from Iran, Russia and China is sufficient to meet market demand.”

Fishing revives from October

Afgan Aliyev, head of the fishermen’s union, said that in summer people consume less fish, which is why there is a decrease in the products on the markets:

“In Azerbaijan, fish arrives on the markets mainly after October. Industrial fishing is allowed from September. Fishing is allowed in the Caspian Sea until May 1 and in small bodies of water until April 1. That is why there is a lot of fish in the Caspian Sea. But in general, fishing in October is a bit weaker in September. One of the reasons is that people do not eat fish in the hot months.”

Local fish is rarely exported to markets.

According to A. Aliyev, most of the fish on our market is imported:

“Due to the low prices in summer, the price goes up a little. Imports increase in summer and spring. In the cold season, the price is relatively lower when local fish enters the market. But local fish is rarely brought to the markets. In recent years, the prices of imported fish products from Iran and Turkey in our fish market are regulated. Because the local market for fish products cannot be absorbed, 70 percent of fish is imported to Azerbaijan.”

The lack of control is reflected in the prices

According to the president, fish is currently the same price as meat in Azerbaijan. But this area can be developed in such a way that prices will drop to 3-5 manats:

“For example, a kilogram of sturgeon used to cost more than 100 manats. Since this year, sturgeon prices have dropped significantly. Currently, a kilogram of sturgeon costs 20-40 manats. Regional fish used to cost 80 manats, and now it costs 50-60 manats. In Iran, fish used to be much more expensive than here. Now it is four times cheaper. In our market, trout is sold for 4 manats.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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