Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 12:53 am
HomeLatest News"She is the mother of God, respect"

“She is the mother of God, respect”

This Saturday, at 8 p.m., the mass began in the parish church of San Pío X in the capital Almería. It was not just any Eucharist, the pews were full of faithful who came to meet Most Holy Mary of Greatest Sorrow and Transference. He is the Marian leader of the Brotherhood of the Great Power of Almeria, a very popular brotherhood in the city that holds a procession every Holy Monday.

The neighbors responded to the brotherhood’s call published on social networks: “She is the mother of God, respect”This statement follows much criticism following the discovery of the new image of the Virgin restored by the same image artist who created it in 2005.

The restoration was carried out by the author of the work himself, the Sevillian imager David Valenciano Barrios, and in the same He touched up his eyebrows, his eyes, his mouth, his nose and even the shape of the face, more angular before. Even the number of tears and their arrangement have changed.

The parish was filled after the controversial restoration of the Virgen del Mayor Dolor y Traspaso de Almería


“There are more people than ever at Mass, but that’s because of the controversy that has been created. “It seems to me that it’s the same,” said a neighbor. Not everyone thinks the same, another participant said that “they made it new, it’s not that they fixed it, they did their best, you saw his eyebrows“It’s a shame.”

Meanwhile, negative comments regarding the image restoration continue to appear on social media.Brotherhoods are not personal farms.and changes of this nature must be approved by the brothers. It is not the mask, it is a different virgin, no matter who it is. The promoters of the idea will be happy,” they criticize.

After the Eucharist, the Most Holy Mary of Great Sorrow and Transference returned to the streets of the parish to pray publicly in the Holy Rosary. A small procession that solemnly traveled through the streets of Tejar, Paterna del Río, La Vega, Bilbao, Vinaroz and Manuel Sánchez until returning to the temple around 11:00 p.m.

In the groups, groups of neighbors, mostly women, looked at their Virgin with great devotion. Far from the controversy of social networks or the comments of the most critical. The image was carried by the brothers of the brotherhood in absolute silence which was broken only by the recitation of the Rosary.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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