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HomeLatest NewsBroncano, Motorcycles, Orbán's Chancellor and the Fear of Sánchez's Defeat

Broncano, Motorcycles, Orbán’s Chancellor and the Fear of Sánchez’s Defeat

Could it be true that Broncano plays for Sánchez and Pablo Motos for Feijóo? Market analysis, but one that allows us to draw a parallel between this disruptive television season and this interrupted legislature. Before explaining why things are going bad for the government, and why the evils are becoming chronic, an explanation of the television duel, because things are not what they seem: it is true that Broncano’s program has obtained spectacular data, but that does not mean that Pablo Motos has lost. Furthermore, it has not dropped a tenth. Those who suffer from access, from this space ahead of prime time, are Wyoming and Carlos Sobera. We must recognize José Pablo López, the former director of content at TVE who designed this signature with the idea of ​​rejuvenating the audience of public television and a more important technical thing: increasing the flow between offline viewers (those of a lifetime) and consumers of content through the platforms of the channels (in the case of 1, RTVE Play). Experts in the public point out that there are a million more people watching conventional television, which constitutes a revolution in the sector. It takes time to see if there is a champagne effect in Broncano or not, but the truth is that at the same time Motos has had the best week in its history. Unpredictable: two trains at full speed compete and expand access to the television electorate, the prelude to prime time, the moment of the greatest audience. Yes, Yolanda Díaz’s reformist program is colliding with the government and businessmen Susana Alcelay The increase in taxes on education and private health defended by the second vice president is colliding with the Treasury and the EconomyWithout general elections in sight, what is being disputed this political season is who leads the way, and here too there are two trains at full speed, as long as it is said of the other that he is weak. Neither Sánchez nor Feijóo are weak. Venezuela is a subject that the PP knows how to exploit to show the shames and weaknesses of the government. This issue seriously concerns La Moncloa, because it puts it in front of a mirror, given that it is increasingly incomprehensible that the victory of Edmundo González is not recognized and because Wednesday’s defeat in Congress is a resounding international humiliation for Sánchez: the Spanish Parliament recognizes González’s victory. victory with the vote against the president. And Maduro is also making things difficult for them. I don’t know if, when the president said a week ago that he would govern without the help of Parliament – it’s flat – he felt that the PNV was going to deal him such a blow by joining the conservative majority to recognize Edmundo. Nobody forgets that the parliamentary alliance that supports the government is not a pro-Sanchez pact, but rather anti-Vox, and there are few things more right-wing than a Basque nationalist and a Catalan nationalist. Forget everyone about the successful motions of censure against the president. Two more humiliations Next week there will be two more humiliations for Sanchez and Albares, in addition to those that arrive on the other side of the Atlantic. The first in the European Parliament, where, as ABC has learned, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, will take a firm position against Maduro, infinitely tougher than the one that José Manuel Albares is trying to take as Spanish Foreign Minister. Let’s see how this storm is weathered, because Orbán is the interim president of the European Union and, in addition, he has a tough Foreign Minister who does not like the approaches of his Spanish counterpart. On Wednesday, Sánchez will have the problem in the Senate, where a replica of this week’s debate in Congress will take place, but with the certainty that the PP will execute a motion to urge the government to recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the new president. of Venezuela. “After the big toad that Montero had to swallow when he was forced to appear to talk about the pact with ERC, now it is his turn to do it with Edmundo,” they explain to ABC from popular sources, who also point out that Sánchez will have seemed forced to appear in Congress to talk about immigration. Do you know how long it has been since Sánchez attended the government control session in the Senate? Six months. He has only participated in this legislature once, on March 12, because Sánchez does not like to lose at all and the PP is starting to bend its pulse too often. And it is going to get worse. Ghost government A close friend of Sánchez reveals that at the time of Pablo Casado, the president recognized that the PP’s good guy was Núñez Feijóo, and that’s why he winked at him: it was an excellent way to destabilize Casado. “Sánchez is worried about Feijóo, he respects him,” they admit. That’s why, in La Moncloa, they are obsessed with attacking him, even when he succeeds: the best example was when the PP president was photographed a fortnight ago with his territorial barons in front of the palace of the Dukes of Pastrana and from Ferraz they said that this image It was a meme. Quite the opposite: it is the image of a ghost government, exactly what the candidate must do. Between Sánchez and Feijóo, I don’t know who is Broncano and who is Motos, but like the television season, in politics we have two miuras competing and trying to destabilize the other. Feijóo only has to launch himself into his field, seducing the PNV and the Junts vote by vote, maintaining the unity of his barons (who will be tempted by many bills) and, above all, forcing the government to talk about what it does not want to talk about: Venezuela, immigration, parliamentary defeats. This is called setting the agenda, an area in which Sánchez is a master. Steal it. It is not easy, but when this season is over, we will know who will lead the access while waiting for the great battle of prime time: the general elections. Yes Motos or Broncano, yes Sánchez or Feijóo.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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