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HomeEntertainment NewsAt the “L'Humanité” festival, François Ruffin accepts his breakup with Jean-Luc Mélenchon

At the “L’Humanité” festival, François Ruffin accepts his breakup with Jean-Luc Mélenchon

A booing. When François Ruffin appeared on the stage of the Agora to debate with other left-wing elected officials on the subject of the union of the working classes, during the Fête de Humanity In Brétigny-sur-Orge (Essonne), on Saturday 14 September, it was necessary to have strong shoulders.

The Somme MP has alienated a large part of the supporters of La France Insoumise (LFI) since his break with the far-left party during the legislative campaign. Since then, he has stepped up his criticism of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, accused in particular of abandoning part of the rural electorate to concentrate on young people and the suburbs.

Already classified during the campaign “ball” and” obstacle “ The “rebel” leader was blamed this week by Ruffin for making disparaging comments towards the popular voters of Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais), Marine Le Pen’s electoral territory.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Between François Ruffin and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, war is declared

For the new “rebel” MP Raphaël Arnault, present before him on Sunday, Ruffin is committed “a political mistake”. “You hurt many comrades, especially the young people who mobilizedHe lashed out at the member of the anti-fascist movement La Jeune Garde, cheered by the crowd. Dividing the working classes against each other is not the right way forward. »

It is normal to “argue in the family”

In response, François Ruffin, who is now a member of the National Assembly among environmentalists, evokes without commenting “clumsiness”. The party of HumaIs “a family celebration”and it is normal “arguing with the family”he said. But basically, he stuck to his “Deep and long-term moral and electoral disagreement” with LFI.

François Ruffin addressed the crowd: “When Jean-Luc Mélenchon says that we must do everything possible for young people and working-class neighbourhoods and abandon the rest, who agrees with this line?” In front of the few hands that were raised timidly, he replied that it was necessary “acting for all working classes”who accuses LFI of‘” abandon ” part of the country, the one acquired by the National Group.

Read also the interview | Article reserved for our subscribers. François Ruffin: “I had to cut the rope with Jean-Luc Mélenchon to be able to breathe”

The whistles were then mixed with applause, a symbol of the division of the left over the electoral strategies to adopt to achieve victory. Faced with the extreme right, “build walls”François Ruffin wants “building bridges” Among the French, convinced that there is “a vast community between the France of cities and the France of towers, and a path to unite them”.

The Picard MP claimed to have “keen” for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whom he considers “The man who united the left”. but he regrets ” his “ AND “radicality” of his word, which would lead to “lose votes”. New whistles from part of the room.

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It’s not a question of going “seduce racists”Raphaël Arnault replied. The question of anti-racism must also be addressed “to be central” left, insisted the deputy from Vaucluse, as the “rebel” leader Manuel Bompard had done before him on Saturday against his partners from the New Popular Front (NFP).

Closing the debate, some sing “François Ruffin is not a comrade”Others, on the other hand, applaud the MP for the Somme.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Raphaël Arnault, the candidate of the “S-file” elected by the NFP, has won by a wide margin against the RN in Avignon

Mélenchon tries to calm down

For his part, during his meeting, Jean-Luc Mélenchon attempted to calm things down and asked “downplays the discussion within the left”. “Not everything is an obligation to slap oneself”said. ” Yeah (…) We are trying to get workers from the neighborhoods to vote en masse. (…) Come with us! Or, if there are towns that are more familiar to you, urban centers that are more welcoming to you than to us, then (…) convince them to come »he pretended to cheer.

For other left-wing leaders, it is urgent during this Fiesta de Humanity to heal the cracks in a strained alliance. “We must remain united”said the national secretary of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel, while acknowledging “differences and nuances” among the PFN partners.

The socialist Olivier Faure projected that he would declare himself “until the end so that we can cultivate this unity, unite to win in 2027”.

“We will obviously need a single application in 2027”The head of the environmentalists, Marine Tondelier, also declared, calling on everyone not to stop “is delivered[r] in show »because during this time “the others eat popcorn”.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. François Ruffin hopes for a “common home” for the left

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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