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HomeBreaking News10 Harmful Tips Drivers Give Each Other About Cars

10 Harmful Tips Drivers Give Each Other About Cars

Many car enthusiasts consult each other to improve their cars. However, many of these can be harmful and even lead to costly repairs.

Oku.AzAccording to information provided by , experts of the Russian automobile magazine “Za rulem” have listed the most common myths.

Experts cite using motor oil that is too thick as one of the most dangerous myths.

“This choice can seriously damage the engine and cause premature wear,” experts warn.

They also do not recommend washing the engine too often, especially if it is not absolutely necessary.

Another harmful habit is swimming in ponds. Water droplets can fall on electronic components and cause a short circuit.

Replacing standard bulbs with “upgraded” bulbs does not improve the car either.

“Switching to LPG without serious reasons, using fashionable additives in oil and fuel, abusing the “auto-start” system, especially in cold weather, chip tuning and overtuning of the engine – all these “improvements” can cause serious problems for the car,” they said.

In the end, experts strongly recommended against installing zero-resistance filters on regular machines.

“Normal cars do not need them at all. These filters are designed for racing sports cars, where engine longevity is not a priority. They are completely unnecessary for everyday driving,” the experts concluded.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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