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HomeLatest NewsWhich saints are celebrated today, Sunday September 15, 2024?

Which saints are celebrated today, Sunday September 15, 2024?

Which saints are celebrated today, Sunday September 15, 2024? On Sunday, September 15, 2024, the catholic church Various festivities and commemorations are celebrated there in honor of different saints and Marian devotions. Among the most notable, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrowsan invocation of the Virgin Mary which has been venerated over the centuries for its deep spiritual significance. It is also known by other names, such as Virgen de la Amargura, Virgen de la Piedad, Virgen de las Angustias or La Dolorosa. This dedication represents the pain and suffering that Mary experienced during the Passion of Christ, making it a symbol of strength and devotion.

The celebration of Our Lady of Sorrows occupies a special place in the Catholic liturgical calendar, since remember the moments of greatest suffering of the Virgin Mary, especially at the foot of the cross, when he witnessed the crucifixion of his son Jesus. The different names she receives, such as Virgin of Sorrows or Virgin of Bitterness, reflect the different facets of her pain, which is both an example of dedication and unconditional love. In addition to the Virgin of SorrowsOn this day the feast of the Lord and the Virgin of the Miracle is also invocation that arouses great devotion in the city of Salta, in the north of the Argentine Republic. This Catholic devotion has been venerated for centuries in this region and every year brings together thousands of faithful who come on pilgrimage to pay homage to the images of the Lord and the Virgin of the Miracle. Likewise, on September 15, other saints are commemorated, such as Saint Nicomedes of Rome, a martyr of the early Church whose courage and witness of faith continue to inspire Catholics today.

Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows is one of the most moving invocations of the Virgin Mary. This title emphasizes the seven pains he endured throughout his life, with particular emphasis on the moments surrounding the crucifixion of Christ. These seven sorrows, traditionally, are: The prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the loss of the child Jesus in the templehe meeting with Jesus on the road to Calvary, the crucifixion, the reception of the body of Jesus taken down from the crossand finally, his funeralThis devotion has its roots in the 13th century and has been the subject of numerous artistic and liturgical manifestations.

The Virgin of Sorrows is frequently depicted in Christian art with an expression of deep suffering, often with a heart pierced by seven swordssymbolizing each of these pains. This image has been a source of comfort for many Christians over the centuries, because in the figure of Mary of Sorrows they find someone who fully understands human suffering. In many cultures, devotion to this devotion has given rise to processions, novenas and other expressions of faith, especially during Holy Week.

The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated on September 15. one day after the Exaltation of the Holy Crosswhich underlines the direct link between Mary’s suffering and the passion of her Son. On this day, many Catholics reflect on Mary’s role as a suffering mother and ask for her intercession to give them strength in their own tribulations.

The Lord and the Virgin of the Miracle

Another important celebration of this day is that of Lord and Virgin of the Miraclea deeply rooted plea in the province of Salta, Argentina. This devotion It dates back to the 16th century, when the city was hit by a devastating earthquake. According to tradition, The images of the Lord and the Virgin were carried in procession, which miraculously stopped the tremors. and saved the city. Since then, the Lord and the Virgin of the Miracle have been venerated as protectors of Salta and every year, in September, a great festival is held in their honor.

Saint Nicomedes of Rome

Saint Nicomedes of Rome was a martyr of the Church of Rome whose cult dates back to antiquity. According to tradition, Nicomedes refused to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods.declaring that he would worship only the Almighty God who reigns in Heaven. For this reason, he was cruelly whipped with whips with pieces of lead on the ends, until he finally gave his life to the Lord.

Nicomedes is thought to have died in the 2nd century during the reign of Domitian. According to tradition, he was a Roman priest and is related to other saints such as Nereus, Achilles and Petronilla. It is said that he celebrated the sacred mysteries in the house of Petronila, daughter of the apostle Saint Peter, and that he was later charged with burying Saint Felix, Petronila’s adopted sister, who was murdered for refusing to marry a man named Flaco.

Flaccus, upon learning of Nicomedes’ actions, arrested him and again refused to renounce his Christian faith, He was thrown into the Tiber. One of his ecclesiastical friends, named Justo, was in charge of burying his remains on the Via Nomentana.

Other saints celebrated on September 15

Besides those mentioned, September 15th is a day when these other saints are also celebrated:

  • Saint Valerian of Tournus
  • Saints Strato, Valerius, Macrobius and Gordian by Tomi
  • Saint Nicetas Godo
  • Saint Alpin of Lyon
  • Saint Apro of Toul
  • Saint Aicadro of Jumièges
  • Saints Emile and Jeremiah of Cordoba
  • Blessed Roland de Medici
  • Saint Catherine Fieschi
  • Blessed Camilo Costanzo
  • Blessed John the Baptist and Jacinto de los Angeles
  • Blessed Antonio María Schwartz
  • Blessed Pascual Penadés Jornet
  • Blessed Ladislas Miegon
  • Blessed Paul Manna


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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