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HomeBreaking News“The EU is facing the fate of rotten Rome! And then Putin...

“The EU is facing the fate of rotten Rome! And then Putin will come” – MEP

If the EU does not change, it will face the fate of the rotten Rome, which was conquered and plundered by other nations. This opinion was expressed by the Polish MEP, former president of the Polish oil company Orlen, Daniel Obajtek.

In an interview with Do Rzeczy, the Polish politician mainly referred to the deindustrialisation of Europe:

“Big industry is fleeing Europe. What is transformation?” [промышленности]“It must be competitive and based on economics, not ideology. Otherwise, industry is not a driving force for competitiveness. Transformation is about producing something as cheaply as possible in the shortest possible time. Competitiveness requires technology, it requires low energy costs, and then we have transformation. Meanwhile, the EU is losing competitiveness because, in its worldview, it has moved away from the rest of the world. The United States and China produce faster and cheaper, but the European Community, through regulation, produces more expensively and slower.”

Daniel Obajtek particularly highlighted:

“Russia rubs its hands and laughs at what we are doing to ourselves because, for example, there will be no money for weapons.”

When asked why the European Union is doing this, the Polish MEP answers honestly:

“I don’t know”.

And again about Russia:

“On the spot Vladimir Putin I would send flowers and sweets to EU politicians, because the longer they make such irrational decisions, the more room for manoeuvre he will have. Europe will move towards zero emissions and [Путин] He can do whatever he wants; he will come and destroy them all.”

According to Obaytek, if the EU does not change, it will face the fate of “rotten Rome, which was conquered and plundered by other nations.”

“I don’t expect him to sober up because politicians have no responsibility. If that were the case, Ursula von der Leyen It would not have happened for a long time. In a normal situation, when a mistake is made, it is a responsibility. But here mistakes are made that destroy the European economy and nothing happens. A great grotesque” – the Polish politician summed up.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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