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“We must intervene immediately on prices in tense areas”

Yolanda DiazSecond Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, after her break with Podemos, the launch of Sumar and her electoral failure in the European elections of June 9, responds in an interview with ‘El País’.

Diaz assures that one should not confuse “being a leader of a political space and dealing with the problems of citizens” and that as Minister of Labor in the last legislature, “she dedicated herself what he loves, that is to say people’s lives

Citizens must evaluate their public image, he assures. In addition, the vice president states that “the more than three million votes obtained by her party in the general elections of July 23, 2023 make the space occupied by Sumar allowed Abascal and Feijóo not to govern today“.

Diaz assures that governing is not resisting. Governing is giving power to those who do not have it today, “giving rights to the most invisible, as is the case of the domestic workers“, after having approved a pioneering standard in our country, and now a reference within the ILO.

The Vice President says it is clear that the strength of the coalition government is absolute and “and I want give real peace of mind to my country“. Regarding the minimum wage” It’s time to renew and download“, and in reference to the dismissal, he assures that “we must look at the impact on each worker.”

Regarding the housing problem, Diaz says that “Immediately, price intervention is needed in stressed areas“, and as for the reduction of the working day, it is the measure that they value most, according to all the demographic institutes, the Spanish men and women, even those who vote for Vox.




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