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HomeLatest NewsThe two detained Spaniards "are not part of the CNI"

The two detained Spaniards “are not part of the CNI”

The Spanish government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued a statement this morning to deny Venezuela’s accusations towards the two Spaniards detained in Puerto Ayacucho, José María Basoa and Andrés Martínez Adasme, accused of belonging to the CNI and of having orchestrated a plan with the CIA to destabilize the country with a series of terrorist attacks, among which, according to the Chavista government, the assassination of Maduro, Delcy Rodríguez and Diosdado Cabello.

“Spain denies and categorically rejects any insinuation that it is involved in an operation of political destabilization in Venezuela,” they announced in the statement. And they added: “The Government has verified that Prisoners are not part of the CNI nor any other state agency. “Spain defends a democratic and peaceful solution to the situation in Venezuela.”

This Saturday night, the Minister of the Interior, Diosdado Cabello, gave a press conference in which he reported these two arrests. “The Spanish National Intelligence Center encourages the recruitment of terrorists in Venezuela. “They can say what they want, but their agents admit it,” Cabello said, while demanding that the US government “clarify the participation of their organizations, the use of their territory for arms trafficking in order to overthrow a democratic government, elected by” its people.

The Spanish Foreign Ministry reported shortly after that the embassy in Caracas had sent a note verbale to the Venezuelan government “requesting access to the detainees, in order to verify their identity and nationality and, if verified, to know “what exactly these detainees are.” of which they are accused and that they can receive all necessary assistance.” “The embassy will guarantee at all times the protection and rights of any Spaniard detained in Venezuela,” they said.

As reported by ABC, José María Basoa is 35 years old and Andrés Martínez Adasme is 32 years old. According to their respective online profiles They are Basques and residents of Bilbao.. Both traveled together on August 17 on a flight from Madrid to Caracas and Their families lost track of them on September they were preparing to return by boat to the Venezuelan city of Puerto Ayacucho from the Colombian city of Inírida, which they had just visited. They left without a guide. Their families published alerts in local media on September 9 asking for help in the face of the travelers’ disappearance.

A day later, local television in Inírida published that they had been arrested as part of an intelligence operation on behalf of the DGIM Amazonas for suspicious behavior in the area of ​​the Puerto Ayacucho air base and transferred to Caracas for questioning, but it was not until this Saturday when Venezuela, through Cabello, announced the arrest and the reasons: it attributes to them participation in an alleged terrorist plot to assassinate Nicolas Maduro and his vice-president, Delcy Rodriguez, and assures that they maintain relations with the CNI.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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