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HomeLatest News129 Civil Guards will join the Castile-La Mancha commands in October

129 Civil Guards will join the Castile-La Mancha commands in October

The Delegate of the Government of Spain in Castile-La Mancha, Miracles Toulonenjoyed the upcoming incorporation of 129 students of the Civil Guard in Castilla-La Mancha who complete their training period, thus strengthening the staff of the provincial commands. Tolón stressed this Sunday the commitment of the Spanish government to strengthening the personnel of the State security forces and bodies, stressing that the presence of the Civil Guard “is a guarantee of security and its deployment contributes to the territorial cohesion of our autonomous community.

Distribution by commanderies There are 17 Civil Guard students in Albacete, achieving a catalog coverage rate of 95.83%; 25 in Ciudad Real (95.83%); 5 in Cuenca, which achieves 100% coverage; 5 in Guadalajara (98.56%) and 77 in Toledo which with these additions achieves a coverage of 95.85%.

At the national level, the incorporation of these guards will lead to a significant improvement in coverage in these units, reaching 95.91% on average, 3.8 points more than before the summer; in some units, one hundred percent coverage in citizen security is achieved.

Furthermore, if we consider all the areas, including the commands of Ceuta and Melilla, the increase in coverage since June amounts to 1.56 points. The overall coverage rate of the catalogue thus reaches 90%. This number of students in training represents an increase of 859 guards compared to the previous year, in which 1,689 people were incorporated, representing an increase of 51% of the public job offer of 2023 compared to that of 2022. The students of the 129th classes of the Baeza Guard Academy and the 170th classes of the Valdemoro Young Guard College thus continue their training with an internship period that will last 40 weeks. Meanwhile, in addition, a small number of students will also carry out part of their internships in units of certain specialties deployed throughout the national territory, such as the Traffic Group.

With this in mind, last month In June, a new public job offer was approved which will allow, once the competition process is completed, a total of 2,721 student guards to join the training centers, the highest number since 2009.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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