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HomeLatest News20 euros for arriving ten minutes late and 50 for “speaking badly”

20 euros for arriving ten minutes late and 50 for “speaking badly”

New controversy served on the table of the Spanish hotel industry. Like so many others, this latest case of alleged workplace abuse was revealed by the Valencian influencer Jesús Soriano, better known on social networks as “Soy Camarero”, who denounced the “invented sanctions” of a bar manager to be able to properly fire his employees.

According to Soriano himself on his X account – formerly Twitter – this hotelier would have fined his employees 20 euros for every ten minutes of delay and 50 if they “speak badly to you”. “These are sanctions invented later to be able to shoot properly,” he says, while specifying the conditions of the position: “7 euros per hour with one day off per week and a split shift.”

“Where are those famous labor inspections?” asks “Soy Camarero”, which broadcasts the WhatsApp conversation between a person affected by the fines and the owner of the hotel establishment. The latter asks him “if he is going to show up today” after reminding him that he already benefits that day from a 20 euro discount in case of late arrival.

After twenty minutes, he writes again to the employee to tell him that “he already has 60 euros”, to which the waiter challenges him by saying “I’m not going then or what, to be free” and continues to ask him “if he should come back or not.” To the latter, while continuing to count down the time, he says that already has a fine of 100 euros and ended up asking him to come on Wednesday to sign his receipt “and stuff like that.”

At the same time, the employee concerned attaches a letter sent by the director in which he alludes to disciplinary reasons to justify a possible dismissal, without the latter being aware of such accusations. “The management of this company has been aware in recent days and has conclusively verified that, for 2 weeks, it has not treated its customers and employees correctly,” the letter begins.

“This is a particularly painful fact, because it has a negative impact on the image of the company, in addition to creating a bad work environment with the rest of the colleagues who suffer from their actions. All this, causes serious damage to the companyby not being able to provide proper service to customers,” he continues.

Finally, he specifies, “in knowledge of these facts, we ask you to pay the greatest attention to respecting your obligations and to treat with courtesy both customers and colleagues. The facts exposed and discovered so far constitute grounds for disciplinary sanction, because it is a “breach of contractual good faith“and a clear breach of trust in the performance of work, as well as considered a serious breach of the disciplinary regime agreed in the collective agreement, punishing delay and negligence in the performance of their duties. “If they repeat their actions, we will take the appropriate legal measures.”

As if that were not enough, Jesús Soriano points out that this employee also does not pay overtime and that in summer, the daily working day of his waiters is 11 hours. “The employer is obviously wrong, but in this case, the worker also has something to do, because He has to come home at 8:30, and at 9:05 he tells her he just woke up.“, says a follower of the viral thread published by the Valencian influencer.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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