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HomeLatest NewsEspadas celebrates the progress of the PSOE congress and defends its project...

Espadas celebrates the progress of the PSOE congress and defends its project for 2026

The secretary general of the PSOE-A, Juan Espadas, affirmed that the project he presented in 2021 to access the General Secretariat of the PSOE-A remains “in force” and is valid for the re-election at the head of the Andalusian socialist federation at the regional Congress which must be held within three months after the federal one set for the end of November in Seville.

For Espadas, the advancement to November 29 of the federal congress and therefore of all the regional, provincial and local organic meetings is positive and “will allow us to have more time to be able to dedicate ourselves exclusively to the political project and the alternative government.” . “to win the next Regional elections in Andalusia“This is a magnificent decision that will not only strengthen the leadership of the PSOE in Spain, but also renew and strengthen the leadership, the teams and the project in all territories, including Andalusia,” he said.

In this sense, he stressed that the Andalusian socialists “will have more time to be able to dedicate themselves, if possible, even more exclusively, to demonstrating to the Andalusians that the Government of Moreno Bonilla “It is and has proven to be a real ‘bluff’, that we are not even remotely reaching the objectives that Andalusia should be achieving at the moment.”

After the federal congress, the regional congress and the provincial and local assemblies must be convened within three months. Espadas reiterated that he would be a candidate to revalidate his position as secretary general: “I am convinced that we will achieve this, and that is why I have already told my colleagues, although it is not yet time to raise it officially.” , because the procedure has not yet been opened, that my intention is not only to continue, but also win the next elections in Andalusia“If I have the confidence of the Andalusians,” he stressed.

When asked if he expects there to be more applications In addition to his own, for the General Secretariat of the PSOE-A, he responded that, when the procedure begins, “it is completely legitimate that colleagues who have another political project, or who want to propose another type of leadership and another way of doing things, “things present themselves.”

“That is why I want to run again, that is why I have said that I am very clear that the Andalusians now, and of course in 2026They will realize that Moreno is not the president and that the PP is not the party that is really going to give a hopeful future to this country, and that is why I believe that we must dedicate ourselves and focus on working on the opposition to demonstrate the shortcomings and failures of the leader of the PP-A, and work on an attractive project, of hope, and on a powerful project to manage well,” he concluded.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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