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Ceuta border closed intermittently as Morocco disperses dozens of people trying to cross

Tense calm this Sunday in the Ceuta borderintermittently closed due to attempts to enter from Morocco. Moroccan security forces, in turn, have dozens of scattered people gathered on a mountain near the divide trying to cross to the autonomous cityafter a night in which groups of young people walked the streets from the border town of Fnideq (Castillejos) willing to try to cross following a call broadcast on the Internet.

In videos collected by local media, it can be seen how many people were waiting this Sunday at the top of a hill near the breakwater that separates Fnideq from Ceuta and this, as informed by Efe Mohamed Benaissa, head of the Northern Human Rights Observatory. agency, were dispersed by the authorities.

According to media reports, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, groups of young people marched through the streets of Fnideq, where they gathered following a Massive call to enter Ceuta called this Sunday on social networks, with messages with phrases such as “we will meet on 09/15”, “I hope on 09/15” or “15/9 Fnideq-Ceuta”, accompanied by images of the sea or views of Ceuta from Castillejos.

Morocco has launched a Massive police deployment there and in neighboring towns, while carrying out arreststo prevent Moroccans and sub-Saharans from carrying out a mass entry into Spain. In CeutaIn turn, the security organs and forces They close the border intermittently from Tarajal. Police sources informed Efe that this measure was to be adopted since 11:00 a.m. in order to better control people who try to cross the fence.

Ceuta President Calls for “Tranquility”

The president of the autonomous city, Juan Jesus Vivaslaunched an appeal this Sunday to “tranquility” and stressed Morocco’s “collaboration” to stop the attempts of mass entry from the neighboring country. In a statement, the regional leader of the PP, spoke of the “tense and complex” situation at the border on the occasion of the attempts of entry from the neighboring country. North African country due to calls “launched” on social networks.

Vivas also expressed his “full confidence” in the work of the security forces and bodies, expressing his “gratitude for the work they do in conditions of extreme difficulty and demand.” The regional government stressed that the president and his team “are carrying out an exhaustive follow-up of the evolution of events in Morocco, whose authorities are collaborating in controlling the situation, and in permanent contact with the Government Delegation.”

Efe was able to verify how the The maritime surveillance system has been strengthened Saturday at noon, with the presence of at least six boats in the vicinity of Tarajal beach in Ceuta, including a Civil Guard patrol boat sent to control the situation.




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