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Provisional prison for the man who set his ex-partner on fire in Vigo

The Instruction Court number 1 of Vigo has decreed the entry into pretrial detention reported and without bail for the man who set his ex-girlfriend on fire this Saturday after having doused him with gasoline.

As reported this Sunday by the High Court of Xustiza de Galicia, the detainee, BRR, is being investigated for a crime of attempted murder. The man, 41 years old, He exercised his right not to declare and the case was brought before the Violence Against Women Court.

Sources close to the investigation cited by Efe indicate that the man has no history of gender violence, that the victim It was not in the VioGén system and no episodes of gender-based violence had been reported previously in the couple, who had broken off the relationship.

The prisoner, however, has a history for other reasons and in 2010 was investigated for the death of a young woman for a shot in his house in Gondomar (Pontevedra). He was subsequently not tried because it was considered that there was not enough evidence against him.

BRR was arrested on Saturday in Vigo for having doused his ex-partner, a woman in her thirties, with petrol and setting her on fire as she was leaving her home. According to sources from the Government Sub-delegation of Pontevedra, the attack took place in the Vigo parish of Valladares and the victim, hospitalized, He has 35% of his body burned. At the time of his arrest, the attacker tried to attack the police of the National Police with a bottle of beer.

112 Galicia received an alert call around 9:00 a.m. A man requested medical assistance for his sister-in-law, who had burns on her body. Emerxencias forwarded the notice to Urxencias Sanitarias, the National Police and the local police station in Vigo.

Resources against gender-based violence

016 assists all victims of gender-based violence 24 hours a day and in 53 different languages. Also the email 016-online@igualdad.gob.es. Assistance is also provided via WhatsApp at the number 600000016. Minors can contact the ANAR Foundation at the telephone number 900 20 20 10.

In case of emergency, you can call 112. Also the numbers of the National Police (091) and the Civil Guard (062). If you cannot call, you can use the ALERTCOPS application, from which an alert signal is sent to the Police with geolocation.




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