Monday, September 23, 2024 - 2:58 am
HomeLatest NewsThe astronomical observatory of the Castilla-La Mancha viewpoint network will be built...

The astronomical observatory of the Castilla-La Mancha viewpoint network will be built in Piedrabuena

Piedrabuena This is the place where the astronomical observatory of the new Network of astronomical viewpoints of Castile-La Manchaa project in which the regional government will invest more than 2.6 million euros, from the Next Generation funds, and which will involve the construction of 85 astronomical viewpoints in the region, in addition to the observatory in the city of Piedrabuena.

The Minister of Economy, Trade and Employment, Patricia Francoexplained that the construction of the Piedrabuena observatory will have an impactAn investment of around half a million euros and that the municipality will also benefit from the Regional Executive’s project aimed at improving the region’s natural bathing areas, with actions in the Iconic table of Ivy.

Franco visited the city this Sunday afternoon, accompanied by its mayor, Jose Luis Cabezason the occasion of the town’s patronal festivals. “Is an idyllic settingnot only to take advantage of the natural and heritage resources that the city cherishes, but also for the space it offers for quality astronomical observation. He indicated to the councilor in reference to the place where the observatory will be installed.

The Minister of Economy, Patricia Franco, visited the city this Sunday with its mayor, José Luis Cabezas.


This is not the only action that the regional government has planned in the municipality in terms of Cohesion and Development Actions, since the emblematic Tabla de la Yedra de Piedrabuena is one of the thirty natural spa areas authorized in Castilla-La Mancha, many of them in the province of Ciudad Real, in which the regional executive will invest two million euros carry out improvement actions in the access, signage and treesamong other actions. “From the autonomous communities that do not have a beach, we have insisted with the Ministry so that they can use European funds to adapt and improve these natural bathing areas that are so in demand when temperatures rise.”

On the other hand, the advisor indicated that at the end of September, official data on hotel and rural area occupancy of August and everything indicates that “it can be the best summer of my life“, since specialized portals such as Escapada Rural have placed Castilla-La Mancha, based on the monitoring of its reservations, “as one of the communities with the best performance in rural tourism this summer, exceeding 50% occupancy and reaching 80% in some areas.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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