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When Sanchismo Confuses Legitimacy and Legitimation

At this point in the story, let’s talk about Pedro Sanchez as a democrat, he would only enter the narrative universe of Almodóvar or Maruja Torres, scribes and creators of a rotten regime where they only write to the leader with loyalty. his court jesters. In a Spain that can’t make ends meet and that sees privileges within reach of a coup d’état, each piece of information about the satrap’s apprentice increases social unrest, because nothing changes and one government scandal helps to spice up the next. With investigations trapped in the conformist continuity of a nation that doesn’t notice its decline and a population stuck between moral apathy and laws that protect those who attack and assault them, we are heading towards a country isolated from the transformations underway. in our environment, they are happening. Italy stops its illegal immigration at the same time as Germany expels it, Holland bans it and France limits it. Europe postwoke is on its way while Spain is going in the opposite direction: to become the European mirror of the Puebla Groupa totalitarian project of poverty and dictatorship led by Zapatero abroad and Sánchez within the walls.

The enlightened and illiterate left, sometimes confused, defends every move of the Kirchners of Moncloa under the pretext that, under their uprising, the spectrum of social rights has expanded. There is no data to support the official propaganda about today’s Spain: We are no better off today than we were six years ago, when Sánchez occupied the royal chair with lies.. Since then, it has dedicated itself to buying, with the money of half the population, of the other half, the necessary means and those who allow themselves to be corrupted and subsidized, which are numerous in a constant and militant socialism. Spain occupies the last position in all of Europe in terms of GDP per capita and the first in terms of youth and female unemployment, price increases and the shopping basket. The democratic involution, embodied in the impossible separation of powers, does not escape anyone who has a minimum of political criteria and democratic sense.

Reality, however, does not prevail because perception and its rhetorical traps dominate the context. The Spanish do not read, held back by an education that does not encourage it, and it is not convenient for them to inform themselves either, weighed down by a media hodgepodge that has sacrificed their ethics for a few thousand euros to balance their Pyrrhic balance sheets. Addressing the editorial line of a certain press seriously provokes nausea instead of reflection: all together in ignominy: between Hamas and Israel, Hamas, between Milei and Peronism, Peronism, and between Kamala Woke Harris and Trump, you know. Everything is unified in the spectacle of the tribune, while we wonder who is financing the party. Surely the same ones who should not care now, but who one day will give the order to write and defend the opposite. Then the masters of the pen will come out to exclaim, with the usual pomp, that freedom and order represent the most sacred things in Western civilization. The moral barrier of the amanuensis of the regime (and those who border it) is the depth of a glass of water.

But nothing is happening or happening because Pedro was supported by the polls, say the gossips of THE todology Sanchist. In fact, Sánchez has the legitimacy (finally) that the polls have given him, but not the legitimacy to impose an autocracy without reservations. The disregard for the importance of the legislative power and the attack on judicial independence undermine the original legitimacy of his position and transform it into a caudillist transcription with proven consequences. His Kirchnerian conception of power, as a continuous dynasty where his wife makes, unmakes and decides, while he unmakes the nation by decree and whim, will occupy sentences and blankets as long as the critical capacity and civic duty of a few last, who, by insisting, should convince more and more citizens. And this is where we must not give up. Begoña, the unemployed wife of the president with satrap pretensionscontinues to be the key to the most corrupt and sectarian government in Europe and in recent Spanish history. If we accept the fallacious insistence that they do what they do because the votes support them, we will entrust any change of course to a specific day when the enemies of freedom will do everything they can to ensure that we continue to trust a democracy that will never be worthy of the name, except when it comes to replacing its later demagogic drift: the perfect aspiration of Sanchismo.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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