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Construction company calls for Minister Morant to be charged in Supreme Court for failing to stop squat

The construction company surrounding the Minister of Science, Diane Morantfiled a letter this week with the Court of Instruction number 3 of Gandía requesting that “the procedure be transferred to the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court given his status as a certified person. As OKDIARIO progresses, the judge will have to decide whether to respond to the request of Inmobles Reunits Catarroja SL against the also leader of the Valencian PSOE regarding the indicative commission of the crimes. of prevarication, of fraud against the administration, influence peddling and misappropriation of public funds.

The case occurred when Diana Morant was mayor of Gandía and was in favor of occupying a building in that city. On June 30, 2015, the current minister appeared accompanied by two councilors from More Gandia For prevent expulsion court order for accommodation in a squatted building. The protest event was called by the Platform for people affected by mortgage loans (PAH) of Safor Valldigna. The judicial delegation was unable to proceed with the launch since the local police of Gandía, far from protecting them, left the premises when they noticed the presence of the mayor at the time.

This fact, according to a writing from the magistrate, led to “noting that the non-payment of rents did not entail any consequences, non-payments became widespread and the building filled with occupants without title”, drug traffickersetc.”. In other words, the block has become a narco-floor and even in the same property it was registered a murder in 2017.

Today, the company that owns the block, as a direct victim, goes to court and requests that the case be brought before the Supreme Court and, in any case, that two accused persons be called to testify: Isabel Santapau and José Manuel Prieto. They also request that a copy of the summary be sent to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and that the reports prepared by the municipal architect and the head of the Legal Department of Urban Planning and Housing of the Gandía City Council be provided. It is also considered that they should be summoned as witnesses.

In the six-page document, the company also states that with regard to the Diana Morant investigation, it should be recalled that this court of inquiry, by providence December 19, 2023agreed as follows: “In view of the negative acknowledgement of receipt for reason ‘absent in the delivery’ to Diana Morant, adhere, proceed with the home investigation to her knowledge.”

Then the construction company adds: “The truth is that despite Diana Morant’s relevance and notoriety, the knowledge she is presumed to have of the process was given to her undeniable connection with the rest of the persons interviewed, there is no evidence that they have complied with their duty to make themselves available before this Court, which is why we understand that they must be immediately summoned in order to prevent Diana Morant from alleging in the exercise of her right to defense, all kinds of helplessness This could lead to a possible cancellation of the actions, given the progress and current status of the case.

In addition, Arturo Torroformer mayor of the aforementioned Valencian city, is also continuing the case. Recently, to avoid the case expiring, he requested an extension of the investigation. “The Criminal Procedure Law provides that the investigation procedure will be carried out within the maximum period of 12 months from the date of the order opening the preliminary or interim proceedings, even if, in the event that the investigation cannot be concluded within the reference period, it may be declared the complexity of the caseat the request of the public prosecutor or any other accusing party appearing in the proceedings before the deadline for closing the investigation, requesting its extension for periods equal to or less than 6 months.

Therefore, to the extent that “there is a lack several steps remain to be takenincluding taking of investigator’s statementand those which could result from the examination of the documents currently being studied by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and even when one might think that there are several months left before the end of the year, as a purely precautionary measure, and in order not to harm the investigation, wishes this Court to declare this case as complex and set a new maximum deadline for the completion of the instruction, six more monthswithout prejudice to an extension if the investigation has not been completed by that date.

The company Real Estate Reunits de Catarroja SLthat the Town Hall has forced to carry out renovation and improvement works despite the impossibility of collecting rents, requests 777,476.23 euros in the concept of patrimonial liability to the current Minister of Science and her team after the convictions that hold the mayor of the time responsible for having prevented the judicial commission from evicting one of the squatted houses by not granting protection to the judicial officials.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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