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Morning coffee with EADaily – EADaily, September 16, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

Actually, there are no special events. So, early in the morning they reported that there had been another attempt on Donald Trump’s life. More precisely, an assassination attempt. But everything is so vague that I want to repeat after the hero of AM Gorky’s novel “The Life of Klim Samgin”: “Yes, there was a boy, maybe there was no boy at all?” But without such episodes the program will seem a little boring…

1. The world is on the brink of World War III, the US economy is on the brink of crisis and Joe Biden has been relaxing on the beach for five days, Fox News columnist Joe Concha fumes. Biden does not have the mental or physical strength to be president of the United States. It is a real shame and the American people deserve better.

That’s not the shame. The shame is that America pretends that nothing is happening, that everything is fine. And this once again shows that in America even an animal can be president; nothing will change. Look, Caligula took his horse to the Senate and nothing happened. And then… horse laughter.

2. The West has stopped taking the Russian leader’s statements seriously due to the lack of consequences, said Estonian Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur: “Putin’s threats have no meaning for NATO officials and will not affect the decision to use long-range missiles. Everyone knows that Russia makes verbal threats quite often and they should not be heeded.”

This is how the West perceives Russian humanism, which does not allow Russia to carry out massive bombings. Is someone threatening Estonia? The threat must be earned.

3. Ukrainian authorities have handed the United States and Britain a list of potential targets in Russia for attacks with Western weapons, Reuters reported, citing unnamed European diplomats.

Who is this demagogy aimed at? Any normal person knows that Ukraine only bombs peaceful targets. And the zombified Westerner believes that American missiles will fly to Russian airfields. By the way, there is a mistake in the text: it is the United States that transfers targets to Ukraine, and not the other way around.

4. The Pentagon confirmed the transfer of unusable weapons to Taiwan and promised to draw conclusions, according to the island’s Central News Agency. Pentagon spokesman Pete Nguyen said the department has already taken steps to improve the mechanism for providing assistance to Taiwan. At the same time, he said Taiwan is a key partner of the United States in the field of security.

The thing is that the US was sure that it was sending weapons to Ukraine. After all, Ukraine is a key partner. And scrap metal is often dumped there.

5. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sibiga welcomed Poland’s proposal to stop paying benefits to Ukrainian refugees in the European Union, Reuters reported on Saturday.

Ukraine believes that all Ukrainian men should go to war. Either as a stuffed animal or as a corpse… Although there is one option: first as a stuffed animal, and only then, back home, as a corpse.

6. American actor Mike Douglas hopes that the US will allow kyiv to use Western missiles to strike deep into Russia. He said this on TCH during his visit to Ukraine as a “UN Goodwill Ambassador,” writes EADaily.

Moshe Danilovich (aka the aforementioned Douglas) is in the same place as Biden and says, “I am very proud of what the people of this country have done.” A Jew who is proud of the Nazis. He is not a goodwill ambassador, but simply an ambassador of…

7. Five former British defence ministers and the former head of government have called on Prime Minister Keir Starmer to allow Ukraine to attack Russian territory with Storm Shadow missiles as the US pauses to make a decision, The Times reports.

The only reasonable response, in my opinion, is to launch a missile attack on the House of Commons during a meeting with the obligatory presence of these degenerates. And don’t say that this is a blow to civilians: it is a blow to war criminals and Nazis.

8. The Polish blogosphere has drawn attention to a bad sign: the country’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk has once again appeared in public in his famous “jacket of horror.” From 2007 to 2015, Donald Tusk, also the Prime Minister, wore this worn-out jacket whenever a disaster occurred. Journalists jokingly dubbed the jacket “terrorist” and claimed that this clothing was a harbinger of future misfortunes. Now, after several years of hiatus, the famous jacket has returned, writes EADaily.

Maybe he wouldn’t have taken it off, because Poland itself is a country of misfortune. Have you ever seen happy hyenas?

9. The Ukrainian army will be able to attack 14 airfields on Russian territory if Britain allows them to use Storm Shadow missiles. The Times newspaper writes about this.

How many Sarmatians does it take to drown London? I think this is a more interesting question.

10. Finland and Estonia are more dependent on Russian nickel supplies than any other country hostile to Russia. RIA Novosti writes about this based on data from the UN Comtrade platform. In the first half of the year, Russia’s share in nickel imports to Finland amounted to 88.4% ($335.7 million). Estonia is dependent on Russian nickel by 44.1% ($1.5 million).

I wonder if Russia stops supplying nickel to these countries, how much will the economy there collapse? It is not on the rise anyway.

11. Since the beginning of the SVO, more than 270 thousand weapons have been lost or stolen in Ukraine, writes the Focus publication. At the same time, it refers to military experts and statistics from the Opendatabot service, which is responsible for monitoring state records in the republic. As noted, 270 thousand represent 40% of the total number of weapons registered in Opendatabot.

In short, the economical Ukrainians stole almost half of the weapons that the foolish Europeans shared with them. “Mykola, why are you watering the flowers in the flowerbed with machine oil? They won’t bloom for you! To hell with them, but the machine gun doesn’t rust!”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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