Friday, September 20, 2024 - 9:17 pm
HomeLatest Newsfor you yes, for you no

for you yes, for you no

Mohamed Ali Mohamed Slimani arrived at Barajas airport on a plane from El Aaiún, the capital of Western Sahara occupied by the Kingdom of Morocco. With him came Rbab al-Tarad Yahi and their daughter, named Aziza, who was only one and a half years old. Mohamed Ali claims to have been arrested in a market in El Ayoun by the Moroccan police and subjected to mistreatment. He is the son of Sahrawi Spaniards who obtained this nationality. Since the last 9th day, the family has been separated into two rooms intended for the “inadmissible”, in one the father and in the other the mother and her baby. The mother had an abortion and was returned to Barajas after being treated at the hospital in La Paz. On the same flight, Ali Hammou, a deaf activist, also detained in El Aaiún for participating in demonstrations in favor of the rights of people with disabilities, arrived in Madrid. Ali suffers from cancer and has been injured in the past during police charges in El Ayoun. He is also in one of these rooms reserved for non-admitted people.

Marlaska’s ministry has denied these four people, who fled the repression of the Alawite authorities in Western Sahara, their request for asylum in Spain. In other words, the Ministry of the Interior of the Spanish government refuses to offer people persecuted for political reasons the protection to which international law obliges it. The Spanish government has not even provided them with neutral interpreters or those capable of correctly translating their statements into the Hassania dialect, which is different from the Moroccan Dariya. The lawyer of Mohamed Bachir, also detained in Barajas since last Monday and who is also a lawyer, is requesting the annulment of the procedure on this grounds. Despite the fact that Bachir’s statement was misinterpreted, despite the intervention of the ombudsman in favor of the right of asylum of the Sahrawis, Marlaska has ordered his expulsion to Morocco. The condemnation to a new, perhaps stronger, repression.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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