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HomeBreaking NewsIt's Pedro Sanchez's fault

It’s Pedro Sanchez’s fault

The legacy left by the Ministry of Equality under Sánchez is perhaps the best example of his approach to politics. Far from pursuing the common good, governing for all and investing the Spanish people’s money as efficiently as possible, he only seeks power for power’s sake, subordinating everything to a single objective: satisfying the personal ambitions of the Pedro Sanchez.

Let’s look at this in a little detail.

These weeks we are seeing it clearly. The application of the so-called trans law is causing what many of us had warned it would cause and what the government has denied. The attackers of women are taking advantage of this new regulation to change their registered sex, thus escaping the consequences of legislation on gender-based violence and causing loss of life for its victims..

Pedro Sánchez this Wednesday during his official visit to China.



It is sad to hear about the case of the Sevillian woman who is facing a real ordeal because of this. Unfortunately, this is not an exception. Not to mention the effects on many minors and other harmful consequences that this law entails.

And the worst thing is that all this was done knowingly. The PSOE ignored all the professionals and associations that warned of what could happen, as well as the General Council of the Judiciary and of course the PP, and gave in to the claims of the then Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, to establish that For a person to be considered a woman, she simply has to go to the registry and make a request..

Here is the result of the absurdity.

“That’s what matters to Sánchez about women, what matters to him is the fight for true equality. The same thing that interests Spain: nothing.”

Because no, we are not facing a judicial fraud, but rather a fraudulent law. Another of the many regulatory disasters that generate legal uncertainty and are the hallmark of this government.

Sánchez first sacrificed the agenda that his party could have on equality to leave the ministry in the hands of Podemos (otherwise, he would not have obtained its support in the 2019 investiture).

Later, he also gave in to the most radical postulates of the said party, so as not to risk its alliance with the extreme left, despite the obvious consequences that it would entail and the message that it would send.

This is what matters to women, this is what matters to them in the fight for true equality. The same thing that matters for Spain: nothing.

Let us remember what also happened with the so-called “only yes means yes” law. Another legislative disaster whose consequences he was warned about and which he ended up committing because circumstances demanded it if he wanted to remain calm in Moncloa.

The Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo, this Thursday at the Congress of Deputies.

Europe Press

The cause of this phenomenon is unfortunately known to all. More than one thousand two hundred sentence reductions and more than one hundred and twenty releases of people convicted of sexual crimes. A story that is not over and that has led many politicians to point the finger at judges for having applied the law that they themselves had approved.

To date, no one has taken political responsibility for this disaster, which was only repaired because the PP promoted it in Parliament, recover penalties prior to this regulatory change.

This mixture of incompetence, sectarianism and political use of equality has had more regrettable episodes. The recently approved parity law was used by the government as a subterfuge to remove the Senate’s right to veto budgets.

The monstrosity they created has caused, in addition to this new institutional erosion, facilitating the dismissal of those who benefit from or request an adaptation of the working day to reconcile.

When you use the Ministry of Equality for everything except what you should use it for, these things happen.

“Sánchez sacrifices equality among Spaniards and sacrifices the fight for true equality for women. If, at the end of this journey, his partners continue to be partners and he can maintain the presidency of the government, it will be worth it.”

Incompetence, sectarianism, partisan use. This is the DNA of equality under Sánchez’s mandate, which he uses as a bargaining chip if necessary for his personal interest, as he does with everything.

If he has given up a piece of the rule of law to buy his investiture in 2023, if he has just handed over the common financing fund to buy power in Catalonia, what will it matter to him to destroy any consensus on equality, entrusting responsibilities to incompetent peopleto allow all men to be identified as potential criminals or to develop a management system that squanders billions on who knows what.

Sánchez sacrifices equality among Spaniards and the fight for true equality for women. If, at the end of this path, his partners continue to be partners and he can maintain the presidency of the government, it is worth it. Everything is equal for power.

Another way of doing things is urgent, in this ministry and in each of us. And it is obvious that this change will only happen when we change government from top to bottom.

It is not about who occupies a portfolio, how budgets are established or what is agreed in an investiture agreement. This is a roadmap marked by Sánchez, which establishes that everything must be done, with whom and as best as possible, to keep him in Moncloa.

This roadmap is responsible for everything. The problem is Sánchez and The solution is to remove him from power by force of votes. and the unity of all of us who believe that another Spain is possible.

The sooner we achieve this, the sooner we can rebuild everything that is destroyed.

*** Cuca Gamarra is the general secretary of the Popular Party.




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