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Page does not give up on “persuading or conditioning” Pedro Sánchez on Catalan financing at the next meeting

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has assured that he “looks forward” to maintaining the bilateral meeting to which he is summoned with the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, with whom he wants to speak “calmly” and to whom he will not resign in order to “be able to persuade or condition” regarding the position of the Executive regarding the negotiation of the Catalan quota.

In an interview with Telecinco, he explained that no one in the PSOE has yet explained the document that contains the pre-agreement between the ERC and the Socialist Party of Catalonia and that it is only known through the “leak” of the independentists, which he considers good because “no one has come to deny it.”

The PSC, he said, “is not the PSOE, it is a sister party”, and in any case it is “a success” that it has managed to govern in Catalonia; although, in his opinion, Ferraz is not obliged to share everything he defends.

He spoke about the context generated by the current policy around the negotiation of the financing of Catalonia, a council that “is not explicable” and that he defines as “a confusing and embarrassing ceremony.”

The president of Castilla-La Mancha points out that there are people in the PSOE who “avoid the conversation”, which “shows what the average voter may think of social democracy”.

Regarding the Popular Party’s insistence on pressuring the PSOE deputies in Congress elected by Castilla-La Mancha to end the single funding of Catalonia in the next elections, he once again stated that the final candidacies were designed by Ferraz and not by the general secretaries of the PSOE. “They did not vote for some in their province and that’s it,” he said.

The PP, “vote factory for the PSOE”

The general secretary of the socialists of Castilla-Mancha also resisted the harsh criticism that he usually receives in the ranks of the PP, both at the national and regional level, ensuring in any case that the tone used by the “popular” in his speeches ends up becoming a “vote factory for the PSOE”. Above all, he said, the figure of Miguel Tellado, who “is not on the salary of Moncloa, but it may seem so”, with an “unfair” attitude.

To those who accuse him of “barking and not biting”, he recalled that he himself was one of the leaders who bit within the PSOE so that “Rajoy would be president to avoid the independence movement”. “And neither grateful nor paid, we received as many insults as Sánchez.” The only thing the PP wants is to “evict the PSOE” and despite this, he considers that perhaps the “popular” would do “similar things” if he governed.

Unlike what happens with the PP, his criticism of Pedro Sánchez’s position is different, because he does not want to “evict the PSOE”. “It bothers them that a person who comes from social democracy and who has won all his life against the PP can say truths that many people share in all areas. I think they are not doing it correctly,” he said.

That “they would have barked a little”

In short, he would be satisfied with the fact that “many of these PP leaders” “barked a little” with the case of Bárcenas or when José María Aznar and Jordi Pujol signed special funding for Catalonia. “Would Feijóo admit that the deputies of Galicia or the Valencian Community voted like Rueda or Mazón? He is a Pharisee who considers people stupid,” he stressed.

On the other hand, the president of Castilla-La Mancha ruled out that there are movements within the leadership of the PSOE to place him at the head of the socialists of Castilla-La Mancha, while denying having any organic involvement. ambition or aspirations beyond continuing to preside over your region. He stated that in the next regional congresses that the PSOE will hold, there will be no attempt to change direction where it is governed; To which he added that there is no “dirty war” against him among the socialists.

Although he will always fight with a “dialectical response” when he considers it as such, he clarified that he does not have the objective of attacking Ferraz. “I have no aspiration to occupy an organic position or to remain in politics forever. It is easier for me to finish the path than to start it again, or to start it again every year.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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