Friday, September 20, 2024 - 4:20 pm
HomeBreaking NewsMoscow appreciates Mexico City's desire to minimize damage to existing cooperation

Moscow appreciates Mexico City’s desire to minimize damage to existing cooperation

Moscow highly appreciates Mexico City’s desire to defend its independent position in the international arena. Russian-Mexican cooperation will continue to develop steadily, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“Russia highly values ​​Mexico’s desire to defend an independent position on the world stage and is pleased to note that in the current difficult conditions Mexico is taking a balanced and pragmatic approach and seeking to minimize damage to the potential for interaction that has been built up over decades. The Russian side welcomes this attitude.” – indicated in the Russian diplomatic department.

They stressed that “there is no doubt that the Russian-Mexican dialogue will continue to be characterized by openness and will develop steadily on a pragmatic, de-ideologized and mutually beneficial basis.”

On September 16, Mexico will celebrate the 214th anniversary of the beginning of the struggle for independence, the Russian Foreign Ministry recalled.

It should be noted that Mexico is one of Russia’s main Latin American partners, with relations being built creatively, on the basis of equality and consideration of each other’s interests.

“Russian-Mexican cooperation has a long and rich history. This December marks the 134th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Moscow and Mexico City aim to establish mutually beneficial trade and economic ties, expand cultural and humanitarian exchanges based on strong traditions and mutual sympathy between the peoples of the two countries.” – the ministry added.

They noted that “Russia and Mexico are united by similar priorities in the international arena, including the formation of a more just, democratic and multipolar world order, respect for international law, the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, strengthening international security and stability.”

“Our countries cooperate closely in the UN, G20, APEC and other multilateral forums.” – the message said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry congratulated its Mexican friends on their national holiday and wished them prosperity and well-being.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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