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HomeLatest NewsThe Círculo de Empresarios calls for a debate on the Catalan quota

The Círculo de Empresarios calls for a debate on the Catalan quota

The President of Business circleJuan María Nin, asked this Monday to open a debate with a panel of experts on the Catalan quotasince he considers that the Spanish Constitution is at stake. This was stated during his intervention In New Economy Forum. The professional warns that the Sanchez’s gift to the ERC To invest Illa in Catalonia, it must be subject to the control of civil society.

Moreover, Nin took advantage of his intervention to warn the Sanchez Government that a second possible extension of the General State Budgets (PGE) of the year 2023 would be “a bad sign”. “Twice, it’s very complicated, because we are starting to not understand what the future projections are,” he lamented.

Therefore, according to the expert, extending the PGE again would not be good for Spain, because public accounts are an instrument of political management, through which the party that holds executive power submits it to the vote of the Parliament what do you want to do with them taxesthe offer, “where are you going to find the money and how are you going to use it.”

Furthermore, the political and economic message delivered about the proposed system for manage finances and the economy “becomes non-existent”: “This is a bad sign,” he insisted.

Nin against the Catalan quota

However, the main concern that Nin put on the table was the establishment of the Catalan quota without going through a process of social debate: “Here we are putting values ​​into play, we risk the Constitution“We risk the law, we risk our money.” The professional asked the expert contribution “from the Administration, the political world and the private system” to the debate on Sánchez’s gift to ERC.

In fact, experts and Treasury technicians They have already expressed themselves internally, as revealed by OKDIARIO. A report prepared by these professionals from the department of Maria Jesus Montero argues that “economic privileges do not fall within the scope of the Constitution.”

First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero. (Photo: EP).

“The Constitution seems to provide the necessary recognition of regional and island financial realities, nothing more, since the fundamental norm itself is exhaustive. even restricts the blocking of constitutionality approval of economic privileges“, states the report prepared by the Treasury and revealed by this newspaper.

Nin therefore has every reason to call for a “reflection” on the subject and a discussion on it. “How long can a white paper contain what has made Draghi? Months? Well, nothing is happening. We have spent decades building our country. Let us reflect, pause and discuss this issue,” he insisted.

For Nin, it is a nuclear issue structure of spainalthough he acknowledged that the Círculo de Empresarios has not taken a position on this issue, because “there is no document” to analyze.

“What is legitimate, without adjectives, is that the dissidents, in view of what you see, I am a dissident, and I am Catalan“I am Spanish and I am European, also formulate your positions,” said the president of the Circle.

The president of the Círculo de Empresarios insisted, in this sense, that the debate is legitimate and that the parties can agree on what they want and that the parliaments decide, but “in the constitutional framework” “Of course, we have to balance solidarity with justice“And reconciling solidarity and justice is not easy, but it is feasible,” he noted.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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