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HomeLatest Newspotatoes, shrimp, chorizo ​​and fried eggs

potatoes, shrimp, chorizo ​​and fried eggs

Traveling usually whets the appetite. The roadside sale is a classic in our country, offering truckers and tourists a place to rest and regain strength. If you are one of those who like good food and you also like generous portions, we offer you a sale in Antequera that you cannot miss. In this place you can enjoy a hearty dish of potatoes, garlic shrimp, chorizo ​​and fried eggs and that’s its curious name.

Sale of La Yedra and Joy Plate

This generous portion is called Plate of Joy. This is one of the best-known gastronomic products of Venta La Yedra. Located in the town of Antequera in Malaga, this sale is known for its homemade dishes and its warm atmosphere. In the menu, the Alegría Plate stands out, one of the most requested.

The Joy Plate is a gastronomic allegory of Andalusia itself: land and sea on a single plate. The intense flavour of the chorizo ​​contrasts with the marine touch of the garlic prawns, while the potatoes and fried eggs surround this explosion of flavours. A delight that promises to satisfy even the most demanding palates.

A generous dish at an irresistible price

This combination of ingredients so typical of our land in a single dish leaves no one indifferent. However, its irresistible price makes the Alegría Plate a more than attractive option during a stopover along the way in this Antequera sale. And that’s it, for only 10 eurosyou will be able to enjoy a dish that will leave you more than satisfied and will also make you want to come back.

Beyond the price, there is another factor that explains the popularity of Venta La Yedra. Its main strength is the generosity of its dishes.. In this sense, the profile of Cómete Andalucía on TikTok gives a good example.

In addition to Plato Alegría, this platform recognizes that there were two people. However, the meal “could have been for three or four people”. In this sense, they recommend sharing the Joy Plate: “It’s a good dish,” they say, whose name “is great,” they recognize. “If you are hungry, you become happy as soon as you see it.”they explain.

The other dishes they tried at Venta La Yedra were the porra antequerana, a pork steak and a cream cheese for dessert. The bill, including drinks, did not reach 50 euros. That is to say, For less than 25 euros per person, two people eat… And even three or four!

La Venta La Yedra enjoys a privileged location on the A-45, an ideal point for travelers from Huelva, Seville, Cordoba and even Jaén if you access Malaga by the N-432 towards Cabra-Lucena. For this reason, if you are planning to visit the area and your appetite strikes you halfway, Stopping at this place and trying the Plato Alegría is almost mandatory..


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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