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HomeLatest NewsHow to remove stubborn brown stains from the bottom of the toilet

How to remove stubborn brown stains from the bottom of the toilet

The toilet is one of the most used areas of the house and one of the areas where the most bacteria accumulate. This is not only due to the continuous deposit of organic waste, but also to the area of ​​the house in which they are located.

Therefore, maintaining good bathroom hygiene is necessary to prevent the spread of germs, bacteria and dirt, but also to avoid possible bad odors and extend the useful life of the toilet. In this way, it is important to maintain regular hygiene in all the toilets in the house, allowing us to enjoy the proper functioning of all of them.

So, there are some methods that will allow you to clean your toilet in a simple and effective way so that it remains as it was after its first use, eliminating all types of stains that persist at the bottom of the toilet.


Pumice stone is a great option for scrubbing stubborn stains, as it allows you to scrape off the remains without damaging the porcelain of your toilet. Therefore, using this material will allow you to remove the most persistent stains from the bottom of the toilet in a simple way and without using more resources.

To do this, simply dip the pumice stone in water until it is completely wet and rub it on the brown stains using circular motions. Wetting the stone will soften it and prevent scratches on the porcelain.

It is possible to continue working as long as necessary until the stains are removed, always rubbing with gentle movements. Once the cleaning is finished, flush the toilet to remove all the debris. In this way, it will be possible to eliminate the most encrusted dirt in the toilet without resorting to chemicals.

Baking soda and vinegar

Two of the most popular cleaning products for home maintenance tasks are baking soda and white cleaning vinegar. In fact, both are useful for treating different typical household problems, such as stubborn stains or bad odors.

Additionally, baking soda and white cleaning vinegar can be used individually or together to amplify the cleaning method. To properly clean the toilet, it is advisable to combine the two and thus dissolve the most persistent residues.

To start, pour a cup of baking soda into the bottom of the toilet. This acts as a mild abrasive and can therefore remove stains present at the bottom of the toilet.

Then add two cups of white vinegar, which will help dissolve mineral residue like limescale and will also produce an effervescent reaction when it comes into contact with the baking soda.

Afterwards, let the mixture sit for at least half an hour; the bubbles produced by the combination of materials will loosen any remains present in the toilet. After 30 minutes, use cleaning gloves and a brush to scrub any stains that are still visible.

Finally, flush the toilet. After this, it may be possible to see some remains still embedded in the toilet, so you will need to repeat the process.


Bleach is another of the most common materials for cleaning the house. This allows you not only to clean, but also to disinfect, making it an excellent option to remove embedded dirt from any type of toilet. Its application is simple, since it will only require bleach (or chlorine) and cleaning gloves.

It is important to use gloves, as bleach is a toxic product and a fairly abrasive chemical. In this way, using rubber gloves will prevent the appearance of skin irritations or even burns.

To start, pour half a cup of bleach into the toilet and let it sit for at least half an hour. While it sits, the product will disinfect and remove any organic matter buildup in the toilet. Afterward, you can also use a soft-bristled brush (like a toothbrush) to scrub away stubborn stains.

After this, rinse the chain to remove all traces of bleach and lifted residue. If the process has not been effective, it is possible to repeat it until all organic remains are completely removed.

In addition, bleach will not only serve to disinfect the area and remove the most encrusted remains, but it is also a powerful bleaching agent, so its use can also be effective in restoring the toilet to its characteristic whitish color.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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