Monday, September 23, 2024 - 1:48 am
HomeLatest Newsdemands support for the law after three years of PSOE obstruction

demands support for the law after three years of PSOE obstruction

This Monday, Alberto Nuñez Feijooleader of the Popular Party (PP), expressed hope that the Congress of Deputies will unanimously approve the law to combat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), after facing a three-year blockage from the PSOE. Feijóo celebrated that the government accepted the proposals that the PP and the patients’ associations presented for approval.

Feijoo also stressed that the ALS Act is crucial in providing support to those suffering from this serious disease, and emphasized that He hopes Congress will approve it soon. In addition, he announced that he would propose a new conciliation law that would include free nursery schools.

In recent days, parliamentary groups have intensified negotiations to reach an agreement on the ALS law. The PP has indicated that there is a possibility of an agreement if the government accept all five requests agreed with patient associations.

Feijóo, after accusing the PSOE of delaying and blocking this legislation for three years, said that there seems to be a “window of opportunity” now that the Government has accepted the proposals of the PP and the patients’ associations. He expressed the hope that Congress would approve the law unanimously in the coming months and received thanks of the activist Jordi Sabaté for his support.

The PP leader stressed that a good policy is one that makes people’s lives easier and seeks to improve general well-being instead of benefiting personally. He demanded a proactive government that seeks consensus rather than dividing society.

For his part, Cuca GamarraSecretary General of the PP, criticized the position of the government and Pedro Sánchez, who, according to her, have shown disinterest in the real problems of citizens and have blocked the ELA law. Gamarra asked the government to prioritize the law and provide support to patients and their families.

The PP raised a series of demands, such as maintaining specialized care for people with advanced ALS, a specific law for complex neurological diseases and the promotion of research on ALS. In addition, support measures for electro-dependent people and vulnerable consumers were proposed, as well as the recruitment of professionals and the allocation of adequate economic resources.. THE popular indicated that there could be an agreement if the Government accepted these points agreed with the patients’ associations.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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