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Feijóo denounces that the government did not inform the PP of the people detained in Venezuela: “It is regrettable”

Alberto Nuñez Feijoo denounced this Monday in Alicante that the Spanish government, chaired by the socialist Pedro Sanchez did not inform the main opposition party and majority in the Congress of Deputies, the Popular Party, of the situation that the Two Spaniards detained by the Venezuelan dictatorship Maduro. A government silence that Feijóo defined in two words: “It’s a shame“.

It turns out that the families of the two detainees reported their disappearance on September 9. A week and two days after this arrest became public, the PP has not received any information on this case from the Spanish government.

As published this Saturday by OKDIARIO, the dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro has arrested two Spaniards. They are: José María Basoa Valdovinos, 35 years old, and Andrés Martínez Adasme, 32 years oldThe Venezuelan regime accuses them of being spies for the National Intelligence Center (CNI).

On the same day, Diosdado Cabello, Minister of Interior and Peace of the narcotic dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro, announced the aforementioned arrest. And he accused the Spanish Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, of launching a “hateful attack” against Venezuela for stating that The Maduro regime is a “dictatorship”.

This Monday, Feijóo raised this issue when the media interviewed him at an event in Alicante. The PP president explained that he and his party were following “with absolute concern” the arrest “of two compatriots” in Venezuela. And he transferred his “personal support » to families of the two detained by the Maduro regime.

But he later regretted “not being able to say anything more.” Because as he also explained: “The main party in our country has no information“, because the Spanish government, according to Feijóo, has not informed the PP “since when they have been detained. “Not even what they are accused of.”

Neither, nor “on their personal conditions. Nor where they are being held. We do not know what the facts are. We do not know what measures have been taken,” which led Feijóo to describe as “The lack of information from the government is regrettable. on the detention of two Spaniards and on the government’s negotiations with the Maduro regime.

The PP president announced that he would receive this Tuesday Edmundo Gonzalez“who won the elections in Venezuela” in the Congress of Deputies.

This Legislative Chamber is, as Feijóo recalls, “the same one who recognized him as elected president of Venezuela“And he announced that he also hopes that this Tuesday, in parallel with his meeting with Edmundo González, the European Parliament will vote “in conscience to respect the rights of the Venezuelan people, acquired in the elections of July 28.”

Feijóo thanked the activists and leaders of the Socialist Party for “starting to speak clearly and refer to from the Maduro regime to a dictatorship, because unfortunately it is“.

“For me,” Feijóo continued, “it’s not easy to say, but I would break my conscience if I used euphemisms or looked away. seeing the attack on political, civil and human rights that is being practiced in Venezuela. And also seeing “how the unequivocal will of the Venezuelan people is being buried based on the economic and ideological interests of the Maduro government.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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