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tips to delay its appearance on the floor and furniture of the house

We always put dust and lint in the same bag. Although they are related to each other, and although both are the main enemy to overcome when cleaning any home in general, they are not the same thing. Even if you are organized and systematic, keeping them at bay is not an easy task at first glance.

It is also not the same in these cases to live in the city or in the countryside or in a small or very spacious house. And obviously, the task is complicated if we have one or more furry companions (four-legged). There, the stuffed animals become a sign of identity of any surface suitable for resting or walking our beloved pets.

We have already told you that in the case of dust and lint there is no miracle recipe and that the key is the frequency of cleaning. But we can give you some recommendations to optimize your household chores as much as possible so as not to spend your life dancing with the broom or vacuum cleaner, the mop and the feather duster all day long.

As you may have deduced, fluff does not appear out of nowhere. They grow larger and larger from one hair, that’s where the word comes from. Static electricity is responsible for the gathering and growth of many other hairs, as well as dust, pollen, fibers and other remnants of dirt, with which their size gradually increases.

Cleaning Instructions

Unfortunately, eliminating lint permanently is not an option, but there are ways to reduce it as much as possible. Here are some guidelines:

  • Before you start cleaning the house or the room you have decided to clean that day, the first thing you will need to do is ventilate the room(s). Open the windows wide and let the air circulate. We recommend doing this for at least 10 minutes, this way when cleaning you will also eliminate the dust that enters during ventilation. If you do the opposite, cleaning first and then ventilating, the dust will re-enter the room and stick to the furniture again.
  • After ventilation, the next step is clean the furniture. And we’ll do it from top to bottom. That will make a difference. Doing it from bottom to top doesn’t make sense, because when we dust a place, something always gets transferred down.
  • THE microfiber cloths They are very useful for this task, but if you prefer to use a feather duster, choose an electrostatic one, with disposable heads. What conventional dusters actually do is move dust from one place to another.
  • Employ a damp clothIt is much better than dry cleaning dust because it also moves more easily from one place to another; If the cloth is damp, the dust adheres better. A dry cloth can also damage depending on the surfaces. With some wooden furniture, we will take special care and use specific products to avoid damaging them.
  • Use a anti-dust product It is also highly recommended, as it will delay the appearance of this type of dirt again. You can make a homemade one with a cup of water, a quarter cup of white vinegar and two teaspoons of olive oil. Put it in a sprayer to use on your furniture.

  • If we have already finished cleaning the furniture, we will now dedicate some time to the ground. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, you will have to sweep with a broom and then finish by mopping the floor to remove the last traces of dust. If you have a vacuum cleaner and want to clean it thoroughly, this is one of the best options because it sucks up dust and lint more easily. And the less dust, the less lint.
  • Even though it’s tedious, from time to time Don’t forget to move the furniture around a bit in the rooms because more dirt always accumulates in the hardest to reach areas.

Prevent dust and lint from forming

In addition to vacuum cleaners, another machine that can be useful for these purposes is the air purifier, which filters the atmosphere of the rooms, absorbs particles and therefore also prevents the formation of dust and lint. But in addition to vacuum cleaners and air purifiers, and following the guidelines we have given you to eliminate dirt from the house, we are going to give you a few others to avoid the dreaded lint:

  • A good habit is take off the shoes we used to wear on the street and change it in the hallway for slippers at home. If your entrance allows it, it is very convenient to have a shoe organizer or shoe rack at hand. But if this is not possible, another good option is the traditional fiber mat, which is very effective and collects a lot of dirt accumulated on the soles of our shoes. It is recommended to shake it frequently and remember to vacuum it from time to time, at least twice a month.
  • Another interesting measure is Place weather stripping on doors that open onto terraces or on the front door of the house. These are a type of brushes that are placed under the door or at the back and are essential to act as a barrier to dust and even insects, especially in hot weather when they proliferate more. If you live in the countryside, this is particularly interesting.

Putting all these tips into practice will allow you to keep dust and lint away from your home to a large extent, something you will surely appreciate, since dust also ends up loading the rooms. In fact, these routines will become essential if you or any of the people who live with you are asthmatic or have allergies to dust or pollen.

If this is your case, it is highly advisable to use a good vacuum cleaner. If you are thinking of buying one, it is advisable to check that it has HEPA filters, which are much more capable of vacuuming the smallest particles, up to 0.5 and 2 microns, which will guarantee a deep cleaning.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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