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Balearic PP criticizes “hypocrisy” of pro-independence leader who sold his house to a foreigner

The deputy spokesman of the Popular Party in the Balearic Parliament, Marga Durancriticized this Monday the double standards of the number 2 from Mes by Majorca, Jaume Alzamorafor selling his house Arta to a foreign citizen while his own party proposes to prohibit the sale of real estate to foreigners. Durán recalled that this is a hypocritical act and that it cannot be prohibited either: “We have European regulations,” he stressed.

“People know perfectly well what hypocrisy is and what you can’t do is preach one thing and then do another.” This is how Marga Durán clearly spoke when referring to the news of OKDIARIO in which it was reported that the pro-independence leader of Més per Mallorca, Jaume Alzamora, had sold his house to a German citizen. “We have always said that we are against limiting the sale of homes to foreigners. Firstly because it is not possible. We have European regulations that prohibit it. But there are parties like Més per Mallorca that want to impose this measure,” he stressed.

Durán explained his party’s position on a question raised by the hypocrisy of Més per Mallorca: “It is striking that the one who proposes, both at the level Majorca Island Council As in the other councils, as well as in the Balearic Parliament, there are rules that prohibit foreign residents from buying a house on the islands, from selling a house to a foreigner. People know perfectly well what hypocrisy is and what you cannot do is preach one thing and then do another.

The deputy spokesman for the Popular Party explained that this inconsistency was illegal. “Today, it cannot be prohibited. And at Més per Mallorca, they know it. “They wave the banner of the ban on the sale of homes to foreigners when they see that it is impossible and they are the ones doing it,” he criticized.

Durán concluded his speech on this subject by stating that “we have never been involved in decisions that are made at a personal level. Neither in party decisions nor in personal decisions. “I am not going to go into details, but the truth is that it has our attention.”

Reviews of Llorenç Galmés

The President of the Council of Majorca, Llorenc Galmesjoined the criticism addressed to the spokesperson of the MÉS per Mallorca in the Consell, Jaume Alzamora, regarding the sale of a property to a German buyer: “It is a lack of principles,” he said.

In statements to the media after presenting a project to improve access to Palma, the island’s leader regretted that the independentists “preach what they do not believe.”

Galmés rejected Més’s defense of not selling chalets to foreigners and banning swimming pools, “but when they have the opportunity, they are the first.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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