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HomeLatest NewsIt was Nacho, the language teacher who died after colliding with a...

It was Nacho, the language teacher who died after colliding with a suicide bomber.

The unexpected phone call brought tragic news: teacher Ignacio Hervás García, 35, had just died in a car accident on the A-43, in the municipality of Torralba de Calatrava (Ciudad Real), and his partner Ana Belén, 32, had been seriously injured. A civil guard announced the disastrous news at his high school: the driver who caused the collision, a 48-year-old man who also died, had been driving about eight kilometers in the wrong direction for unknown reasons.

It was seven in the morning this morning when the unfortunate event occurred about 50 kilometers from work. Nacho, as he was called, was going with his partner to the IES Consaburum, in Consuegra, where they taught language and literature in a center of 75 teachers and 800 students.

He was driving and misfortune crossed his path when they had just left the highway, as they say. Nacho was originally from and lived in Miguelturra and Ana Belén, from Almagro, although originally from Bolaños de Calatrava. They shared a vehicle and had expressed their fear of the road to some of their companions. That is why they preferred to travel on the highway, because they felt safer, rather than taking the national road like other colleagues do. “What do you think?” “What do you think?” they ask their institute. “It’s unbelievable what happened,” they answer, disgusted.

Both passed the exam last year and had already passed the internship.. Ana Belén has been working at IES Consaburum for two years and for Nacho it was the first time. “We are delighted with Ana Belén because she works very hard and we did not know Nacho as much as a teacher because it was his first year at this institute,” they say at the center, which issued a statement in which it presents its condolences to the family and relatives.

They always remember Nacho with a smile on their face: “He was seen as a person of transmission and with a great desire to be a teacher and work with his students. He was very hardworking, super happy and very optimistic.“.

Ana Belén, “a charming person and always with a smile on her face”, She was admitted to the ICU of the General Hospital of Ciudad Real.. “She really wants to train and is very involved with the students so that cohabitation is as pleasant as possible,” they say of her. “And for any project that came up, she signed up. She was a volunteer for everything, for everything. “A very nice person.”

But what do you say to your students, those of Nacho and Ana Belén, aged 12 to 16? “We are destroyed, destroyed. We told them that they had had an accident and that, for now, they would not be seen again for some time.“, they explain around two in the afternoon. They did not tell the students that Nacho had died, but they told the families. From the center, they asked the Provincial Delegation of Education for a day of mourning for the unexpected death of their Language and Literature teacher, “always with a smile on their face.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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