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Mañueco wants to bring a community position to the meeting with Sánchez and to the Conference of Presidents

The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, the “popular” Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, proposed this Monday to the parliamentary groups to send their ideas and proposals to build the position of the Community, both in the bilateral meeting initiated by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and in the Conference of Presidents.

This was explained by the Commission spokesman, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, at the end of the meetings held this Monday by the President of the Commission with the parties represented in the Cortes – the lawyer Francisco Igea and the spokesman for the Joint Group were absent. . and the lawyer for Unidas-Podemos, Pablo Fernández, – who spoke. with a “positive” attitude with everyone in a “frank and sincere” meeting in which they used “a very cordial tone,” Ep reports.

As the spokesman clarified, the objective of this offer is that Fernández Mañueco does not attend these meetings with Sánchez with the exclusive position of the Junta de Castilla y León and yes with the “general feeling” of the parliamentary groups, that he invited them to present their proposals in a more open and informal manner and without a specific or fixed deadline since, in principle, there will not be another meeting with the characteristics of today’s.

Regarding regional financing, Fernández Mañueco insisted on the need to transmit a common position to the Spanish government, with the aim of obtaining adequate financing to guarantee the provision of public services in Castile and León, such as health, education and social services.

In this sense, he committed to the groups to offer “detailed” and “first-hand” information on all the progress and communications recorded in terms of regional financing, whether it is the debate on the cancellation of the debt of the autonomous communities or the financing model, “a question so relevant and where the stakes are so high.”

Finally, and at the request of “almost all” the groups present at the meeting, the President will analyse the possibility of bringing together the groups on Health and the Atlantic Corridor, which he had committed to during the general policy debate and which did not meet as planned. to the lack of designation of representatives by all parties.

Regarding the treatment of the budget project for 2025, Fernández Carriedo defended that what is “appropriate” is that the Council presents a first document on which to give an opinion and ruled out the possibility that it was a “blank sheet of paper” on which each group could make proposals.

Once this budget project was presented, it guaranteed that the Junta de Castilla y León would have the “maximum willingness to agree and reach out” to be able to reach an agreement to approve them because, today, “there is still a distance” that prevents us from confirming in any way that there are “clear certainties” that they will go ahead. “Today we cannot guarantee that this exists, but we will make the effort,” he concluded.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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