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questions about professional life and more digital procedures

The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, presented this Monday the new application to carry out procedures with the Social Security Treasury, which will have, for the first time, a section for students who do unpaid internships. Through this tool, contributors can consult their professional life, their social contributions paid month by month to the system or carry out digital procedures.

“It is not about replacing the means, but about expanding and adding,” stressed the head of Social Security about the new application, pointing out that the “Impor@ss” portal, which began operating in 2021, accumulated 35.60 million visits last year and so far in 2024 it has 24.4 million visits.

The new application offers four different profiles for interacting with the Treasury: self-employed, domestic workers (for both employees and employers), artists and interns.

It is available on Google Play if you are a user Android (and in the App Store of iOS/iPhone (

Thanks to the new application, citizens will be able to have the functionalities of the Impor@ss portal on their device, be able to access their data from the General Treasury of Social Security, download their professional life, access their contribution bases, their employment contract or a collective agreement.

As main novelties, highlighted by the Ministry of Social Security, the application allows to receive personalized notices and ‘push’ notifications, to access with biometric identification -provided to have previously accessed with Cl@ve Permanente- or to download documents and have them saved on the device, without the need for an Internet connection.

New Social Security application. Source: Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration

However, the Secretary of State for Social Security, Borja Suárez, indicated that the procedures accessible through the electronic headquarters will not yet be available in this application, but that work is underway to achieve this in the future.

Identification in the app will be done through the usual channels: electronic ID, SMS or digital key, available only on Android. Once identified, you will be able to configure push notifications and enable biometric access with fingerprint or facial recognition for future logins.

Section specific to scholarship holders and profiles

On the occasion of the start of the university year, a special section is planned for younger students, which provides detailed information on the price of their training courses. The head of Social Security stressed that they are already 700,000 scholarship holders have contributed to Social Security since contributions for this group were approved.

For this reason, this new service collects all the information for both students who are going to start their internships and those who have already started them, with the possibility that each student can access their personal profile, consult a complete guide to resolve doubts. discover the advantages of the contribution or carry out procedures such as requesting your social security number, downloading the professional life report or the contribution base report.

In the self-employed profile, you can access all the information and procedures available if you are registered or if you are going to start work for yourself (registration and cancellation, modify the contribution base, consult receipts, simulate your deadlines based on performance and much more).

On the other hand, in the field of domestic work, whether you work in the domestic environment or are a citizen who is going to hire someone to work at home, you can consult the information and procedures that concern you, such as the calculation of expenses. . to pay, process registration and cancellation, update the employee’s salary and hours or consult the receipts issued, among others.

For the group of artists, information and procedures are available for those working in this sector and allow them to manage the situation of inactivity, to request the restitution of income from listed bases or to request the removal from the census of artists.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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