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These are the items you are requesting to be deleted

This Monday, the President of the Cortes of Aragon, Marta Fernández, received the Association of Christian Lawyers, chaired by Poland Spanishat the Aljafería Palace, where they presented a series of proposals to promote “the defense of life” and “religious freedom” in Aragon, focusing above all on attention to Current Trans Law in the community since 2018. The lawyer from Zaragoza attended the meeting in person Pablo Jarquerepresenting the entity.

The President of the Cortes of Aragon has positively valued the activity of the Association of Christian Lawyers of all Spain. In the case of Aragon, Jarque has exposed the conflict that the law approved in 2018 against religious freedom implies, equality and full protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender expression and identityknown as Trans Law.

In this sense, he has focused on several of his articles to determine whether it is worth the community continuing to promote these values, or on the contrary, he considers that it is the government of the nation that is fining the Aragonese people and not the government of Aragon. violations provided for by the said lawsuch as penalizing psychologists who deal with people who provide emotional counseling on homosexuality during their consultation, even if these people come to exercise their freedom and their will.

The Trans Law of Aragon

According to Christian Lawyers, this law, “similar in many respects to other regional laws”, is “pervert“, since it has established, with the rest of the autonomies which have their own law, the regulatory bases in this matter on the free sex determinationeven before Irene Montero’s Trans Law2023, “leading the way”.

So, for example, art. 46on the reversal of the burden of proof, see its reflection in Irene Montero’s law in her art. 66and the same applies to art. 49 Aragonese with the art. 17 of the Spanish Law of 2023, on offences.

Indoctrination in schools

The Aragonese Jarque explained the reason why this law should be abolished taking into account the Articles 19 to 23concerning “indoctrination in schools“, in which the development of “a global plan of LGTBI development and diversity”, as well as, for example, “the lesbian and bisexual, transsexual, transgender and intersexual reality will be developed and integrated into the transversal training contents of all students”.

In this regard, Christian Lawyers recalls the need to launch a parent pin, as stated in the broken governance agreement between PP and Vox.

Positive discrimination

Similarly, at art. 39in administrative contracts and subsidies, given that it gives “preference for contract award» for entities that “develop measures aimed at achieving equal opportunities regardless of sexual orientation, expression or identity.”

Regarding art. 46, the association warned of the seriousness of “reverse the burden of proof“, so that the accused is responsible for proving his innocence and, therefore, whoever is attributed the discriminatory behavior must provide “a proven, objective and reasonable justification for the absence of discrimination.” According to Christian Lawyers, this “perverts the tradition of our legal guarantees,” since it is based on the so-called diabolical probatio, consisting of proving negative or non-existent facts to the investigated, which is prohibited since it is a “cause of impotence.”

Affective therapies: “Very serious”

Another point that has been made about the law to demonstrate “its perversity” is the art. 49referring to offences, such as the article 4.c, in which he considers “very serious» that a psychologist can offer the calls emotional therapies or consultationsdespite the fact that the person has expressed his will and freedom to carry them out, since the law explicitly considers it as the “consent” of the person”irrelevant“, and may impose a fine on the professional between 30,001 and 50,000 euros.

A motion in favour of neutrality

In accordance with these positions regarding the said Aragonese law, Christian Avocats informed the President of the Cortes that it would be appropriate to present a motion in favor of political neutrality to avoid the raising LGBTI flags in Aragonese institutions, considering them as religious symbols.

Just as they have managed in other circumstances to get the courts to rule in favour of the association, relying, for example, on the judgment of the General Court 564/2020, of 26 May, on the flags of independence, given that the institutions cannot use the “unofficial flags” and, in this sense, “the LGTBI flags – defends Jarque – are just as ideological as the estelada flags or the yellow ribbons.”

Abortion and euthanasia

Among the proposals that the association presented to the president, there is that of encouraging maternity through assistance to mothers who wish to become mothers, with an additional baby voucher, thanks to which the future mother receives the money equivalent to the abortion that would be performed if her pregnancy were terminated.

In addition, they consider the protocol of the fetal heartbeat as well as the 3D X-rayalthough it is difficult to incorporate it due to the recent controversies that have arisen in Castile and León.

Regarding euthanasia, although Aragon “is one of the communities least affected by this scourge”, they consider it essential that it be ensured psychological help to all people who request euthanasia.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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