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PP fires Vita councilor for not supporting motion of censure against mayor who sang sex song about girl

The PP dismissed the only councilor who represented it in the City Hall of Avila de Vita, after he refused to present, with Por Ávila, a motion of censure against the mayor of the municipality, Antonio Martín, who participated in the elections under the popular acronym although he is not a member of this party, after his controversial songs with pedophile content on August 25.

After criticizing the mayor of Vita from all sides, Por Ávila, which has the only opposition councilor after the last municipal elections -2 PP and 1 XAV-, proposed a motion of censure to the PP, going so far as to urge the national party and the regional presidents, Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, to act on this issue.

Now, “faced with the ‘no’ of the Vita councilor, Raúl Blázquez, to articulate a motion of censure to the mayor (…), the PP of Ávila has chosen to remain without representation in the Morañego City Council during the current term and that “the councilor now has the status of non-registered”, explained the Popular Party of Ávila this Monday in a statement.

Also in this same group of non-affiliates is Mayor Antonio Martín, who has refused to leave office.

The provincial president of the PP, Carlos García, indicated that given the refusal of the only popular councilor to present the motion of censure, the PP “cannot support that Antonio Martín remains mayor after what happened at a concert during the holidays.”

“Given the situation, given the impossibility of reaching an agreement to articulate the censure, and since no one can withdraw – except through judicial means – an act of a democratically elected representative, whether a councilor or any other type, we accept that Blázquez, together with the mayor, assumes personal, political and management responsibility for the Consistory outside of our acronym,” added the president of the Provincial Council.

Because Ávila asks the President of the Council and the PP to influence the dismissal of the mayor

The regional prosecutor of Por Ávila, Pedro Pascual, affirmed that the president of the PP-CyL and of the Council, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, could influence the removal of Antonio Martín from the office of mayor of Vita, questioned after singing at the municipal festivities a song in which he alluded to sexual relations with a young girl.

Pascual explained that he raised this issue during the meeting he had with Mañueco at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Council, within the framework of the round with parliamentary spokesmen to seek agreements, but the president referred him to his full confidence in what the PP of Ávila does in this matter, which this morning expelled from the Popular Group the councilor on whom it still counted and who supports the current mayor.

The lawyer of Por Ávila, a party that has one out of three councilors in this small town of Avila and that proposed to present a motion of censure, acknowledged that the difficulty lies in the fact that the other councilor of the PP, after the councilor was excluded from the Popular Group, supports the mayor, although at the time of this dispute he was unaware of the decision of the PP to separate from this councilor.

In this way, the mayor and the councilor who belonged to the Popular Group are separated from it, so they will maintain power in the municipality against the councilor of Por Ávila.

“Let’s see if this is resolved once and for all,” said Pascual, who regretted that this issue of national importance has harmed the municipality and the province of Ávila, which is why he asked that a solution be found for something that “does not exist.” It can be maintained over time.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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